English Learner Instructional Training and Technical Assistance in County Court and Division of Juvenile Justice Schools Kathryn Catania, Ed. D. Administrator Fresno County Office of Education Paul A. Garcia, Ed. D. Coordinator Sam Nofziger, M. A. Lilia Day 1
Welcome and Introductions Introduce staff at California Department of Education and Fresno County Office of Education Review two-day format Describe Parking Lot process All activities will be adapted to Court school learning environmente Fresno County Office of Education
Fresno County Office of Education Day 1 Agenda Project Goals and Activities Who is an English Learner California English Language Development Test (CELDT) English Language Proficiency Levels Fresno County Office of Education
Fresno County Office of Education English Learner Instructional Training and Technical Assistance in County Court and Division of Juvenile Justice Schools A project funded by Title III and managed by the English Learner and Curriculum Support Division, California Department of Education New slide Fresno County Office of Education
Fresno County Office of Education Purpose To provide professional development and technical assistance for educators and teachers to increase student achievement for English learners (EL) in California’s county court and Division of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) schools. New Slide Fresno County Office of Education
Fresno County Office of Education Training Components Funded by California Legislature (AB 1781) Assist Court and DJJ School Teachers to Engage English Learners in Learning Research-Based techniques to improve achievement among English Learners Involvement in Court and DJJ Schools across California on how to implement these techniques in this setting Interactive training Time for Dialogue and Planning for Implementation To aide data collection and inform future Institutes Fresno County Office of Education
Complete with a partner Brainstorm your ideas and understandings about “Student Behavioral Interventions in Court and DJJ School Settings” and “Increasing English Learner Student Achievement” on the handout provided Make a list of your thoughts in each column You will have three minutes to write. Be prepared to share your thoughts Fresno County Office of Education
“Voices and Thoughts” Student Behavioral Interventions in Court and DJJ School Settings Increasing English Learner Student Achievement Fresno County Office of Education
Probable Passage Activity Remove the slips of paper from the envelope Sort the words into categories into which you think they belong Explain your categories to a neighboring group Be prepared to share one category, and why you sorted the words in that manner Predict what this section of the presentation will be about… What will be covered? Why is it important? Fresno County Office of Education
Fresno County Office of Education Percent of English Only and English Learner Students Proficient on California Standards Test, English Language Arts 2010 Fresno County Office of Education
Fresno County Office of Education
Major actions of the project Key Words Major actions of the project Content components of the project Goals Conduct on site visits Outreach to Educators and Stakeholders Trainer of Trainer Institutes Professional Learning Communities Develop website and host video casts Project analysis and reports Research based instructional strategies for English Learners (EL) Adaptation of EL strategies to court schools and Division of Juvenile Justice instructional settings English Language Development (ELD)curriculum California English Language Development Test AMAOs Interim assessments Major actions are the structure by which the content will be delivered. The content components of the project are the focus areas of the actions Frontload key terms and vocabulary
Goals Identify and assess all students who have a primary language other than English Assess ELs for English language proficiency using the CELDT and place students in the appropriate instructional programs Implement research-based instructional strategies for English Learners in the County Court and DJJ Schools Deliver instruction and use ELD curriculum appropriate to students’ needs Use formative assessments to monitor student progress Train other teachers at each court and DJJ schools on project elements New Slide
English Learner Instrument for 2010-11 Categorical Program Monitoring The technical assistance provided in this project supports the implementation of what is required for English Learners Fresno County Office of Education
Fresno County Office of Education Technical Assistance Provide technical assistance to all county court and Division of Juvenile Justice schools on best practices for English Learners Fresno County Office of Education
Fresno County Office of Education Major Actions Site Visits to all 87 County Court and Division of Juvenile Justice Schools Provide 40 Hours of Professional Development Through Statewide Regional Trainings Build Capacity Through the Establishment of Professional Learning Communities Establish plans for sharing project elements with other court and DJJ school staff New Slide Fresno County Office of Education
Develop a Website at Fresno County Office of Education A platform for: Instructional Resources Web-links Video casts of the 12 and 20-Hour Trainings to Enable Participants to Live-Stream New Slide Fresno County Office of Education
Major Actions, Continued Conduct Outreach and Presentations to Educators and Stakeholders Associated with English Learners, and County Court and Juvenile Justice Schools Compile Final Student Assessment Data Submit Final Report to CDE New slide Fresno County Office of Education
Debrief Probable Passage Strategy Review the strategy procedures Confirm or disconfirm your ability to predict the presentation Discuss with your partner what the strategy accomplished and how you could use this strategy in your instructional setting Fresno County Office of Education
Debrief Project Components and Reflection Which of the content components of the project are you interested in? Share your ideas If there is ambiguity on any areas, we will put focus on it Fresno County Office of Education
Who is an English Learner? Home Language Survey [Education Code 52164.1(a)] A determination of the primary language of each pupil enrolled in the school district . The primary language of new pupils shall be determined as they enroll. Sam’s slide. The Home Language Survey does not alone determine English Learner status Who completes Home Language Surveys at court schools? Fresno County Office of Education 21
Fresno County Office of Education Home Language Survey Fresno County Office of Education
Who is an English Learner? “What is the language your child first learned to speak?” “What is the language most frequently spoken at home?” Who completes the Home language Survey at your Court or DJJ School? Fresno County Office of Education
Who is an English Learner? Initial CELDT Testing Limited English Proficient (LEP) (English Learner) Initial- Fluent English Proficient (I-FEP) Fresno County Office of Education
Who is an English Learner? Annual CELDT Assessment To Measure Annual Growth in English Instructional Placement This slide takes us back to the CELDT data and AMAO reports we previously discussed. Fresno County Office of Education
Fresno County Office of Education New slide from CDE website Fresno County Office of Education
Decision Guide for Assessment and Placement of English Learners Fresno County Office of Education
Decision Guide for Assessment and Placement of English Learners Fresno County Office of Education
Decision Guide for Assessment and Placement of English Learners Fresno County Office of Education
Fresno County Office of Education BREAK Fresno County Office of Education
California English Language Development Test Test Structure Grade Spans Composition of CELDT CELDT Domains What is tested CELDT Assessment Window There should be discussion about administration and processes in the following slides. Fresno County Office of Education
New slide, from CDE publication
Early Advanced (overall) Composition of CELDT Grade Span Test Forms K-2 3-5 6-8 9-12 Composite overall score Overall Score Listening (25%) Speaking (25%) Reading (25%) Writing (25%) CDE Slide 5 proficiency levels, English-proficient level defined Beginning Early Intermediate Intermediate (for all sub-skills) Early Advanced (overall) Advanced (http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/tg/el/) Fresno County Office of Education
Levels of English Language Proficiency (Results of CELDT Testing) Beginning Early Intermediate Intermediate Early Advanced Advanced Sam’s Slide Fresno County Office of Education 34
Fresno County Office of Education CELDT Domains Assessed Areas (K-12) Listening Speaking Reading Writing Sam’s Slide Fresno County Office of Education 35
Fresno County Office of Education Listening (K-12) Following Oral Directions Extending Listening Comprehension (passage) Rhyming Listening Comprehension (short, school setting) Sam’s Slide Fresno County Office of Education 36
Fresno County Office of Education Speaking (K-12) Oral Vocabulary Speech Functions Choosing and Giving Reasons Four Picture Narrative Sam’s Slide Fresno County Office of Education 37
Fresno County Office of Education Reading (K-12) Word Analysis Fluency and Systematic Vocabulary Development Reading Comprehension Literary Analysis Sam’s Slide Fresno County Office of Education 38
Fresno County Office of Education Writing (K-12) Grammar and Structure Writing Sentences Writing a Short Composition Sam’s Slide Fresno County Office of Education 39
Fresno County Office of Education CELDT (K-12) Data Reported Listening Speaking Reading Writing Comprehension (Combined Reading and Speaking) Overall (Combined Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing) Sam’s Slide Fresno County Office of Education 40
Fresno County Office of Education Sample Student Report New slide from CDE website Fresno County Office of Education
Student Performance Level Descriptors Grades 2-12 CDE slide Fresno County Office of Education
CELDT Assessment Window July 1- October 31 each year Data Reporting- Early January each year Sam’s Slide Fresno County Office of Education 43
Fresno County Office of Education CELDT Reports Annual Reports for County, District, School Domain Scores CELDT Criterion CELDT Report Analysis New slide Fresno County Office of Education
Annual Report New slide from CDE website
Fresno County Office of Education Frayer Model Take out the Frayer Model handout In the center circle, write the word: DOMAIN In the first box, where the word definition is, write what the word means, in your own words In the second box, write a characteristic of that word In the third box, write an example of the word In the fourth box, write a non-example of the word Share with friends at your table Fresno County Office of Education
Fresno County Office of Education Frayer Model Fresno County Office of Education
Fresno County Office of Education Domain Scores New slide from CDE website Fresno County Office of Education
Debrief Frayer Model Instructional Strategy How can the Frayer Model promote vocabulary development? Fresno County Office of Education
Fresno County Office of Education CELDT CRITERION Fresno County Office of Education
Sample CELDT Criterion Fresno County Office of Education
Sample Annual Assessment Report Fresno County Office of Education
Sample Initial Assessment Report Fresno County Office of Education
CELDT LEA Report Analysis In which CELDT performance level were most of the students? Which performance levels combined, had the largest number of students? In what grade levels were most of the students at Beginning and Early Intermediate levels? New slide Fresno County Office of Education
CELDT LEA Report Analysis After reviewing the Domain Mean Scale Scores, which domains had the lowest scores? How did the Initial results differ from the Annual results? Fresno County Office of Education
CELDT LEA Report Analysis How can this information guide the instruction of students? How can this information be used for school planning purposes? What other kinds of CELDT data might be useful to increase the performance level for all students? Fresno County Office of Education
Fresno County Office of Education How can we help our students demonstrate their English language proficiency level on the CELDT? Fresno County Office of Education
Fresno County Office of Education CELDT Release Items Listening Speaking Word Analysis Writing Reading New slide Fresno County Office of Education
Fresno County Office of Education Listening Fresno County Office of Education
Fresno County Office of Education Listening Fresno County Office of Education
Fresno County Office of Education Speaking Fresno County Office of Education
Fresno County Office of Education Word Analysis New slide from CDE website Fresno County Office of Education
Fresno County Office of Education Writing New slide from CDE website Fresno County Office of Education
Fresno County Office of Education Writing New slide from CDE website Fresno County Office of Education
Fresno County Office of Education Reading New slide from CDE website Fresno County Office of Education
Fresno County Office of Education Reading New slide from CDE website Fresno County Office of Education
Fresno County Office of Education How would you use the CELDT Release Item activity at your school site? Fresno County Office of Education
Fresno County Office of Education EXIT Slip Strategy Which strategy was most useful for you? On which strategy do you need more information? CELDT group report analysis CELDT individual report Frayer Model CELDT release items Fresno County Office of Education
Fresno County Office of Education Lunch Fresno County Office of Education
Debrief Exit Slip Strategy Fresno County Office of Education
CELDT Proficiency Levels Overview Proficiency Level Descriptors Connect Proficiency Levels to Students “A Found Poem” Fresno County Office of Education
Student Performance Level Descriptors Grades 2-12 CDE slide Fresno County Office of Education
Fresno County Office of Education Levels of English Language Proficiency CA levels of performance on the CA English Language Development Test (CELDT) Beginning Early Intermediate Intermediate Early Advanced Advanced Fresno County Office of Education
Fresno County Office of Education Beginning Level Uses gestures to communicate basic needs Quickly learns to comprehend high frequency words Uses basic phrases in immediate physical surroundings Makes many basic errors in speech Fresno County Office of Education
Early Intermediate Level Learns to use routine expressions Uses phrases and simple sentences Answers questions with simple sentences containing subject and predicate in present and past tenses Exhibits some basic errors in speech Fresno County Office of Education
Fresno County Office of Education Intermediate Level Combines known language in new ways (identify, retell, explain, predict, describe, compare, contrast) May use compound sentences Uses a variety of verb tenses Can read familiar below grade level text Fresno County Office of Education
Fresno County Office of Education Early Advanced Can use language for a range of purposes and multiple audiences Can manipulate language to adequately represent their thinking May read most grade level text with instructional support Written language may lack precise vocabulary or figurative devices Fresno County Office of Education
Fresno County Office of Education Advanced Demonstrates understanding of idiomatic and figurative language Mastered language conventions for formal and informal use. Reads grade level text with light instructional support. Uses nearly native-like discourse Fresno County Office of Education
CELDT Proficiency Activity Think of one of your current or former students who exhibited the characteristics of one of the CELDT Levels. What specific characteristics defined the student at that CELDT Level? Did the student exhibit the same proficiency level in all domains? Fresno County Office of Education
Debrief CELDT Proficiency Activity What did you learn from this activity about CELDT proficiency levels of your students? Fresno County Office of Education
Fresno County Office of Education “A Found Poem” Review your assigned passage Choose the key words or concepts in your assigned passage Create a “found poem” with those key words or concepts Be prepared to share with the whole group Fresno County Office of Education
Characteristics of Each Level Make 6 groups Using the handout (Stages of Language Acquisition) Highlight the important words or phrases that characterize each level of proficiency Create a “Found Poem” with the highlighted words Share your group poem with the whole group Fresno County Office of Education
Fresno County Office of Education EXIT Slip Activity How might the “Found Poem” strategy be adapted to your instructional setting? Fresno County Office of Education
Fresno County Office of Education Revisit Day 1 Agenda Project Goals and Activities Who is an English Learner? California English Language Development Test (CELDT) English language proficiency levels Fresno County Office of Education
Fresno County Office of Education Evaluation Form Fresno County Office of Education