Speaking JOBS
What’s your dream job? Why?
Which job is more boring – a teacher or a librarian? Why?
Which job is more dangerous – a firefighter or a policeman? Why?
Have you ever worked? What did you do? Did you enjoy it?
Which job do you consider to be the most stressful one? Why?
Is job satisfaction more important than well-paid job? Why (not)?
What job did you use to dream about when you were a child?
What is the perfect age to retire? Why?
Which jobs do you think will disappear in the future? Why?
Why do people lose their job? Give 3 reasons.
Is it enough to be well-educated to get a good post?
Would you like to be rich enough not to be forced to work? Why?
Which job wouldn’t you like to do? Why?
Is it good to be a workaholic? Why (not)?
Which jobs are badly paid? Why is it so?
Describe a perfect boss.
Is teamwork important in work? Why (not)?
What are advantages and disadvantages of working as a white-collar worker?
What are advantages and disadvantages of working as a blue-collar worker?
Would you rather work for a company or on your own? Why?