Preparation for Station Acceptance Test Contents Rig Readout/DAQ 06/08/2006 M. Takahashi
Room Layout Yellow film over the window + some yellow desk lamps 06/08/2006 M. Takahashi
Rig Components Light box: optical base going back to Brunel? Mechanical: Station holder – “spider” usded for tracker frame Source holder, garage, patch panels to be mades X-Y stage: delivery mid-August 35cm x 45cm travel (allow for a garage) 4μm precision (set by the rotary encoder) Co57 Source: lead time 6 weeks 1mm active diameter rod-type capsule 111MBq activity ~ 103 compton scattering per ch per sec Waveguides: 5 (+ spare?) sets of 165cm:265m internal:external waveguides from Osaka 06/08/2006 M. Takahashi
Readout System (Testbeam) ? ? 06/08/2006 M. Takahashi
Data Rate AFEIIt (L) 512 ch VLSB (4 mem. banks) 4 x 128 ch 1 station VLPC cassette 1024 ch AFEIIt (R) 512 ch VLSB (4 mem. banks) 4 x 128 ch max data for this system (1 cassette / 1 station) x (2 x AFEIIt / cassette) x (1 VLSB / AFEIIt) x (4 memory banks / VLSB) x (4 bytes * 255 words / memory bank) = 8,160 bytes / event @ ~1k Hz data for the channels in use (640 channels = 5 memory banks) x (4 bytes * 255 words) = 5,100 bytes / event @ ~1k Hz (150mm/1.05mm) x (150mm/1.21mm) x pi ~ 56k points to survey (?) 56k x 3ch x 10k events x 8 kbytes = 13.5 TB (no zero suppression) 06/08/2006 M. Takahashi
Trigger and Software AFEIIt can be self-triggered (modification of firmware, Paul Rubinov et al.) Threshold at 3 p.e. Online zero suppression? Operation on a pc: Stage control Run control (start, stop, pause?) DAQ: get data from VME cluster finding sort store (KEK testbeam – “UniDAQ”, D0 AFE test stand – Visual Basic) Slow control for VLPC via 1553 (Can we use Malcolm’s code from testbeam?) VME-PCI: which one? NI, SBS (KEK testbeam), CAEN 06/08/2006 M. Takahashi
Run Type Pedestal run (check noise) Readout continuously with fixed clock cycle in absence of beam ~1k events? Calibration run (check gain?) Use LED (~525nm) to inject light into the patch panel connectors? require defined repeatable pulses Use normal trigger Source scan run Move Co-57 source over the station Pause after each “row” to allow for data management? Trigger with 3 p.e. threshold pause position 06/08/2006 M. Takahashi
Readout Checklist quantity where when notes VLPC + cryo He tank + regulator power supply? 1 FNAL IC (rental) ? - being arranged - monitor/control AFEIIt 1L + 1R - production version VLSB 2 FNAL? SASeq 1553 6U VME crate IC available VME-PCI IC/purchase - NI/SBS/CAEN? Cables: AFEIIt to VLSB AFEIIt to SASeq AFEIIt to 1553 2 x 4-way 1 x (2-1?) 06/08/2006 M. Takahashi
Outlook Rig: ready by when station 5 assembly completes (Sept) Readout: depends on the availability of the components… set up the “environment” further planning for the software (DAQ, control, monitoring) and calibration 06/08/2006 M. Takahashi