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The social network Beuller? Beuller? Working 9 to 5 Pencil me in! 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500
Please read this on a regular basis. What is your staff email? Please read this on a regular basis. Row 1, Col 1
A student is considered “tardy” if they come into class after What is false...they are considered absent? True or False A student is considered “tardy” if they come into class after ten minutes 1,2
We should wear it every day the building that are not What is a PPS/FHS badge? We should wear it every day and question people in the building that are not wearing one. 1,3
When is back to school night? September 24, 2012 1,4
Teachers receive this weekly via Email; students on a daily What is the teacher bulletin and student announcements? Teachers receive this weekly via Email; students on a daily basis via the phone system 2,1
The first 15 minutes and the What is not allowing a student to leave your class? The first 15 minutes and the Last 15 minutes of class With or without a pass 2,2
Student have 10 minutes of passing time. What should What is being VISIBLE and out in the hallway? Student have 10 minutes of passing time. What should you do? 2,3
What is the first day of school for ALL students? September 6, 2012 2,4
What is how do you make friends with the secretaries? Fill out your emergency form in packet If you need a sub, call them as early as possible Sign in each morning by 8:00; don’t make other people call to check in If you leave the building, let the front office know If you leave your classroom put a note on your door showing where you are Extra hour time cards require a signature 3,1
Double check and make sure that all students sitting in your What is attendance the first week of school? Double check and make sure that all students sitting in your class are on your class list 3,2
available for students What are your expected work hours? 8:00 am to 3:30 M-F 8:00 to 5:30 on Mondays 2:15 to 3:15 office hours available for students . 3,3
See Joyce, in the front office, by 8/30 (3:00 PM) to get this as What is your parking spot? See Joyce, in the front office, by 8/30 (3:00 PM) to get this as the building will be CLOSED on Friday 8/31. 3,4
Handles 11th and 12th grade student issues. Who are Marshall Haskins and Ivonne Dibblee? Handles 9th and 10th grade student issues; Handles 11th and 12th grade student issues. 4,1
Student management plan What is...what to do the first couple of days of school? Create an inclusive learning environment HAVE FUN and get to know your students Go over class expectations USE TECHNOLOGY Provide Syllabus: Student management plan Grading policies CRLE opportunities 4,2
4,3 Contact parents/guardians Give verbal warnings What is...What you should do BEFORE writing a referral? Contact parents/guardians Give verbal warnings Conference with student Change seating arrangements Give, teach and reteach consequences Assign detention in your room Have a team/department conference With student Work with support staff for interventions 4,3
Extended textbook hours: Sept 6-14 Sign in ASAP What is library business? Extended textbook hours: Sept 6-14 Sign in ASAP Library officially opens on Sept. 17th for students Library open at lunch to pay fees and clear fines 4,4
Every Monday we will work in PLC’s, Learn about technology, review What is professional development? Every Monday we will work in PLC’s, Learn about technology, review Instructional strategies and go Over nuts and bolts between The hours of 3:30 – 5:30. 5,1
What is schedule changing and balancing? Students may request during the first week of school. Requests are granted on a limited basis. PLEASE do not tell a student that they may enter your class if they are not on your class list 5,2
Objectives/essential questions visibly posted on the board What administrators/visitors should see when in your classroom? Look Fors: Objectives/essential questions visibly posted on the board Daily agenda Student engagement Differentiated instruction Bell to bell teaching 5,3
5,4 Planning Day: Sept 4 First day for FROSH/new students: Sept 5 What are important dates for first quarter? Planning Day: Sept 4 First day for FROSH/new students: Sept 5 Syllabi due to Marshall Haskins: Sept 10 Open House: Sept. 24 Progress Reports: Oct. 9 Statewide In-service: Oct. 12 End of Grading Period: Nov. 8 Planning Day: Nov. 9 5,4