6th Grade Science In our classroom, students and adults are… Respectful to others Responsible and prepared Safe. We all have the right to feel physically and emotionally safe Contact Info Contact Me: Mrs. Theresa Bryant Email: tbryant@usd116.org Room #: 2500 Phone: 217-384-3685 Ext 2500 Homework blog: http://umshw.usd116.org/users/aviators/ 6th Grade Science is designed to be an introduction to many different science concepts. Students will be using a variety of hands on activities to help build their interest in science. Grading Scale 100-98 A+ 97-94 A 93-90 A- 89-88 B+ 87-84 B 83-80 B- 79-78 C+ 77-74 C 73-70 C- 69-68 D+ 67-64 D 63-60 D- 59-0 F Homework Policy There will be regular homework in Science. On most days the homework will be completing what was not finished in class. We also do several projects that require time to be spent both in and out of class. Late or Missing Work?? Students are responsible for requesting work if they are absent or have lost an assignment. Late or missing work will be accepted without penalty up to one week after it was assigned. After one week, it will no longer be accepted for credit!
Interactive Science Notebook: Units of Study Think Like a Scientist Unit Physics Unit Chemistry Unit Rocks & Minerals Unit Astronomy Unit Interactive Science Notebook: Students will need a notebook for Science only. We will be using this notebook to organize their work and track their progress throughout the year. This notebook will be expected to stay in the classroom. Students can take pictures of their notes/ work if they want to take it home to study. What is the Ticket System? It is a positive and negative classroom management system. Students will be given 2 tickets when they enter the classroom. These tickets will serve as the two verbal and visual warnings that the students will receive in the classroom for negative behavior. If students are not following the expectations, the first offense will result in losing a ticket. If the student has a second offense that will result in them losing their second ticket. If the student has a third offense they will be sent to take a “Take Three” and fill out a reflection form that we will discuss together upon returning to the classroom. If the student has another offense they will be given a lunch detention or referral depending on the situation. Any tickets that students have at the end of class period will then be put into a weekly raffle for all the students who consistently followed expectations and exhibited good behavior in class.