Welcome to 6th Grade Open House! Please use only two desks per student. Sit side-by-side with a parent in one desk and student in another desk. Parents, while you wait, please fill out the index card which has your child’s name. Please print your name(s), all phone numbers where we can reach you, current email address and home address. Please feel free to write anything important you would like for your child’s teacher to know on the back of the card. Parents, please also fill out the form on one of the two computers on the back counter for PTSO. Thanks!!
Parents of Identified Gifted Students If your child has been tested AND identified as gifted, you will need to sign the DEP. This outlines areas of service that will be offered to them for grades 6-8. Please check agree or disagree, sign, date (8/25/16 and return to homeroom teacher BEFORE leaving. A signed DEP is required to receive AIG services for those identified as gifted. If you believe there has been a mistake on areas of service, please email: natalie.mead@ucps.k12.nc.us Students were recommended for screening and testing at the end of 5th grade. All non-AIG students will be screened again at the end of 6th grade to see if they qualify for AIG services based on this year’s performance. Students that were identified as gifted in elementary school will continue to receive services in middle school. A copy of due process procedures can be found on UCPS website under the AIG Department tab.
Packets of Information Please return with your child by Monday the following from the packet (a copy of this list is on the Open House notes): The white info card (fill out front and back) 6th Grade Policies and Procedures (gray) Health Information if necessary (green) Student Handbook form (yellow) Right to Withhold Consent form if necessary (white) Photo/Video Release form (blue) Chromebook Student/Parent Agreement (bright orange) Please make sure you go over the school handbook. The link is in your packet.
Sixth Grade Daily Schedule Students are allowed to access the building at 7:45 am. 6th graders who arrive before 8:30 am will report to the cafeteria.
Canvas Teacher Pages To find your child’s teachers’ Canvas pages, go to the Weddington Middle School homepage, and on the right-hand side, click on Teacher Pages. http://www.ucps.k12.nc.us/Domain/56 Please bookmark each teacher’s page for your child. You will find what your child is learning, homework and any important information for that class. Your child will use Canvas for many class and homework assignments during the school year. If your child is absent, your child or you may check the Canvas page to see what was missed. Many students go ahead and do the work if possible before they return the next day. This keeps them from getting behind. School policy is for your child to be out sick for three days before you contact the school to get makeup work, but Canvas will help you get the information you need without having to wait the 3 days or even contacting the office for work missed. Your child will have an agenda and Canvas pages to help with homework and school work. Please help your child to set up a routine of using his/her agenda and Canvas so that he/she is always prepared for class. We want your child to learn to be responsible and take ownership of his/her own learning.
Important Policies Study Hall Late Work Policy To help your child take ownership of his/her own learning, we have Study Hall during commons time four days a week. Your child can sign up to do homework, catch up on work, get help, etc. Your child’s teacher can also sign your child up for makeup work or tests. If your child is busy at nights, this is a wonderful time for them to get his/her homework complete. A teacher will be supervising during study hall. Late Work Policy 1 day late = 80% of grade (loss of 20%) 2 days late = 60% of grade (loss of 40%) 3 days late = 0% Again, please encourage your child to use his/her agenda, Canvas and Study Hall to take ownership of his/her own work and to turn in work on time.
Important Policies Lunch Detention Students are expected to be good citizens and follow school and each teacher’s procedures and policies. If a child chooses not to follow those procedures and policies, he/she could receive lunch detention. Students may receive 3 lunch detentions from any one core teacher and 2 lunch detentions from any one related arts/PE teacher before other consequences are given. Once reaching that number for an individual teacher, the student will be referred to the office by that teacher for a conference with administration. Furthermore, a student may receive only 5 total lunch detentions for the year. After reaching that number, the student will be referred to the office by any teacher. Parents will be notified by letter after the third lunch detention of the year and after the fifth/final lunch detention.
Important Policies Use of Electronic Devices (especially cell phones), Cameras and Toys Use of electronic devices is prohibited on campus from the first bell of the day through the last dismissal bell. They must be turned OFF. Students are not allowed to videotape or take pictures of other students or staff members without their permission. Students are not allowed to share/upload any pictures or videos to/from social media taken on campus without the permission of administration. Inappropriate use of these devices will result in disciplinary action by administration. Attendance Policy Students need to be in school. If a student misses 15 days or more, Saturday school, summer school or failing a grade could occur.
Important Information for the First Day of School Do NOT bring a book bag for the first day of school. Just bring pencil and paper. **Lockers will not be issued on the first day!! Bring lunch money or a bag lunch. Please give any lunch money to the cafeteria. Do not give it to your homeroom teacher! Be sure you know how you are getting home from school on the first day. If you are riding a bus, make sure you know your bus number.
Important Information for the First Day of School Bring a copy of your schedule to school, so you will know where to go. You are not allowed on the 6th grade hallway until 8:30. If you get here before this time, go to the cafeteria. Please take a restroom break before you go to homeroom. You need to be in class as quickly as possible for morning announcements. The TARDY bell rings at 8:45 am.
Important Information for the First Day of School You do not have to dress out for PE on the first day, so don’t bring your uniforms. PE teachers will let you know when to bring them. Your lock for your locker is in the packet. Please follow the directions and practice opening it so that when you get your locker, you will be ready. Do NOT bring it to school until told to do so.