Welcome to Year 5 Ash Ms Sharp Mrs Picotti
Great Start! Everyone has settled in and working hard New class for us all New routines and expectations Communication is vital Supportive parents Exciting year ahead Worries and anxieties-please speak up!
General Reminders Homework Diaries/Homework books Reading Records Spellings Tables Clubs – list in corridor Parent Helpers PE – Friday afternoons Label clothes Personal hygiene/uniform
The School Day Guided Reading Maths Literacy Science RE History/Geography Art/DT PSHE Computing PE Worship every day Music – Monday French - Tuesday
Homework Homework diaries should be in school every day – must be signed by a parent by Friday. Monday - Literacy/Grammar Wednesday- see Home Learning Project Friday - Maths and Science/History etc Spellings given out on Friday for test following Thursday Home Learning Project – to be completed over the week and brought in on Friday. This term is Space.
Homework Complete homework in pencil (or pen when children gain their pen licence) Maths is always in pencil Please assist but encourage independence. Reading 20 minutes per night
Literacy Refer to half termly parent plan for coverage Reading – independent/guided Tracking progress in reading through Guided Reading Focus on presentation, punctuation, grammar and spelling Pen licence! Individual targets Extended writing tasks-our expectations Book list-see hand out
Maths Refer to parent plan for coverage Maths groups Mental maths & written arithmetic Strategies (CPA, Bar Model) Resources Abacus Active Learn MyMaths Useful websites-Top Marks, BBC Revise wise
Earth and Space (mobile planetarium workshop) Science Earth and Space (mobile planetarium workshop) Properties and changes of materials Forces Living things and their habitats Animals including humans
Anglo-Saxons and Vikings (trip to theatre to see Beowulf) History: Anglo-Saxons and Vikings (trip to theatre to see Beowulf) The Benin Society Geography: Europe Food for thought (Tesco Farm to Fork Trail) Visits-Gunnersbury Museum on Wednesday 23rd October 2013 Kingswood School Journey-
Following new curriculum from the Diocese RE: Following new curriculum from the Diocese 2/3 Christian to 1/ other religions Miracles Christmas Through Music and Art Hinduism Faith Leading class worship Godly Play
New Curriculum useful link: If you would like further information on the New National Curriculum for Maths and English please visit : https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/national-curriculum-in-england-english-programmes-of-study
Responsibilities Role models to others in the school; looking forward to Year 6 Buddies – after half term
Progress Week Week commencing 16th October, where parents can sign up for ten minute slots throughout the week; late night til 7pm on Thursday. Any issues in the meantime: Note in Homework Diary Make an appointment – after school preferred During working school day – not evenings or weekends
Good Evening! Any questions? We look forward to working with you over the year! Thanks