Phase 2 CPET Recruitment
Agenda Snapshot Your Plan VS New Reality Reality/Options Survey of Intent & Job Search Strategy Next Steps Schedule a 1-on-1 with Patti Paperwork Support System
Snapshot 41 students have secured co-op as of March 16 40 are still seeking (24 1st co-op; 16 2nd co-op) Unfilled positions to date: IOL (Imperial Oil) -3 CF Industries -2
Your Plan VS New Reality
Reality/Options More PAID opportunities are likely scarce from this point forward Keep checking myCareer Site (better yet set up an alert) Steam time is important Historically in the Power Engineering/Stationary Engineering profession, acquiring steam time toward 4th’s has required volunteering at a qualifying plant. That is still true today. “Chemical Valley” (Phase 1) is an anomaly Think provincially 3 months volunteer co-op can happen with either a MAY or SEPTEMBER start date
Reality/Options Co-op is optional for CPET; CPEO; CPTN which means you can graduate without a co-op Co-op is mandatory for CPEX which means you must secure a co-op to graduate There are graduate positions you can secure across the province that don’t require you to have your 4th Class HOWEVER, a CPET diploma COMBINED with a 4th Class Certification is historically the LOCAL hiring standard. It is also the minimum standard to work for many employers across the province If you wish to be most marketable upon graduation, getting your 4th Class Certification is very important…which requires you to pass your A&B and to acquire, in total, 12 months steam time. If that is your goal, that means that getting a co-op with steam time is essential.
Reality/Options Going out of the community AND volunteering is a huge sacrifice Getting the required steam time can be the golden ticket to a solid, lucrative career. Sacrificing in the short term can have a great pay off in the future. Domestic students, if you secure a volunteer co-op, speak to financial aid regarding funding options
Survey of Intent & Job Search Strategy
Next Steps Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Review Survey of Intent & Job Search Strategy page Review TSSA Plant List Step 1 Fill in Survey & Job Search Strategy Schedule 1-on-1 Appointment w/Patti Step 2 Attend 1-on-1 with resume & completed Survey & Job Search Strategy Step 3 If you are seeking volunteer co-op, begin contacting Chief Engineers Step 4
Scheduling a 1-on-1 with Patti What is the purpose of the 1-on-1? Declare your intent for the balance of the recruitment Gage where you are at with your 4th Class Exams Willing to do a volunteer co-op? If so, where? Back to Basics – Quick review of your resume & cover letter Answer your questions COME PREPARED!
Scheduling a 1-on-1 with Patti To indicate that you intend to continue in this recruitment, you must schedule a “1-on-1” meeting with Patti next week (March 21 – 25) Log into the myCareer System Under “Co-op” click “Appointments”
Scheduling a 1-on-1 with Patti Click “Book by Appointment Provider”
Scheduling a 1-on-1 with Patti I have set aside 54 (15 minute) appointment slots next week (March 21 – 25) to accommodate these 1-on-1’s EVERYONE needs to book one!
PAPERWORK needed if you secure a co-op on your own PAPERWORK needed if you secure a co-op on your own. Available online or through myCareer Centre
Support System Patti Helps, Co-op Advisor Room A218-14 Justin Gingerich, Employer Relations Consultant (Job Developer) Room A218-28 (across the hall from Patti)
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