AkLA 2015 Miriam Gilbert Director, Rosen Digital rosendigital.com Real Life Literacy & Digital Citizenship AkLA 2015 Miriam Gilbert Director, Rosen Digital rosendigital.com
Why is it important? How can I convince my friend that he mistook the tone of my e-mail without him getting even angrier? Where can I turn if my computer or cell phone is hacked? How can I support someone who’s being cyberbullied without becoming a victim myself? If Wikipedia is an unreliable source, why is it so popular? Why can musicians create mashups of different songs but I can’t use paragraphs from different articles to write a paper? Will government legislation limit what I can do on the Internet? What does it mean to have a digital footprint?
Positivity POSITIVITY is all-encompassing! In your interactions: Consider others (COURTESY) Be honest (ETHICS) Think about the impact (RESPONSIBILITY)
The Cyberbullying Epidemic What kind of impact will your words have? Positivity The Cyberbullying Epidemic What kind of impact will your words have? Credit: https://www.facebook.com/ImNotAfraid2012
The Cyberbullying Epidemic What kind of impact will your words have? Positivity The Cyberbullying Epidemic What kind of impact will your words have? Credit: http://goodmorningwilton.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/cyberbullying.jpg
Where to Turn: Positivity Free Resources Share Your Own Experience CyberTipline Stopbullying.gov Cybersmile.org StompOutBullying.org Share Your Own Experience Personal Story Project Teen Health & Wellness
Positivity Where to Turn: Teen Health & Wellness database provides hotlines as well as opportunities to share your own experience through the Personal Story Project.
Positivity Where to Turn: CyberSmarts and Teen CyberSmarts Interactive eBooks provide a safe, controlled environment to learn how to make smart choices while developing an online presence. They also cover important topics such as cyberbullying, online privacy, and more. Where to Turn: Check out this intro video to learn more!
Positivity Should I Share This? Look at What You’re Sharing… And Ask Yourself… Should I be doing this? Would I say this in front of my parents/teachers? Is this going to embarrass me in a year? What are you doing? What are you saying? What image are you presenting? Your online presence is an extension of YOU—make sure that you present yourself well! Credit: http://www.socialf5.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/teens-and-social-media.jpg
Positivity THINK before you SHARE. Credit: http://www.technologyrocksseriously.com/2012/01/before-you-speak-think-again.html
How Private IS Your Profile? Privacy How Private IS Your Profile?
Protecting Your Privacy Your full name and address aren’t the only things that can identify you! THINK before you share: Your current location Where you go to school Where you work Your birthday Your cell phone number Your activities and plans Any online passwords Credit: http://mashable.com/2014/05/01/foursquare-swarm/
How Clean is Your Digital Footprint? Privacy How Clean is Your Digital Footprint? What you share is there to stay! Credit: http://kwhs.wharton.upenn.edu/2014/11/clean_digital_footprint/
Privacy The Key is to Educate! Informative Resources: Common Sense Media CyberSmarts & Teen CyberSmarts (more here!) Digital Literacy Internet DOs and DON’Ts Cornell University Digital Literacy Resource Just Think Internet Society Knowledge at Wharton H.S.
Privacy The Key is to Educate! Digital Literacy database: Contains a wealth of articles to inform users how to navigate the online world safely and effectively.
Precision Information Overload! 143 million results!!
Questionable accuracy? Precision Questionable accuracy? ? ? No matter what your source is, it’s important to be able to evaluate how trustworthy it is. For research, often government, academic, foundation, or museum websites can be relied upon for accurate information. Credit: http://www.commondreams.org/views/2013/09/28/brian-williams-iran-propaganda
Understanding the Resources We Use Precision Understanding the Resources We Use This video on our Digital Literacy database busts common research myths and provides tips on how to conduct better research online. Students will learn useful tips to: jumpstart research projects and papers; avoid phony facts; and recognize bias and hype.
Why Plagiarism & Copyright Matter Precision Why Plagiarism & Copyright Matter Nineteen-year-old Kaavya Viswanathan had a stellar start to a writing career with the publication of her first book, How Opal Mehta Got Kissed, Got Wild, and Got a Life. Her career as an author crashed, though, when it came out she’d “borrowed” the words of many other writers in writing her own novel. No excuses could save her work or her reputation. Credit: http://digitalliteracy.rosendigital.com/article/443/plagiarism
Inspiration or Imitation? Precision Inspiration or Imitation? Know the Difference! Plagiarism.org What is Plagiarism? Digital Literacy Copyright and Digital Ethics Digital Literacy Student Guide: The Ultimate Plagiarism Resource Purdue OWL: Avoiding Plagiarism Credits: http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/BOOKS/Pix/pictures/2013/Plagiarism-010.jpg http://sshl.ucsd.edu/plagiarism_old/whentreenew.PNG
Digital Citizenship is Essential! Credit: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/51650726949933213/
T.H.I.N.K. And don’t forget to… Credit: http://www.technologyrocksseriously.com/2012/01/before-you-speak-think-again.html
THANK YOU! Miriam Gilbert miriamg@rosenpub.com 877.381.6649 rosendigital.com Credit: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/101119954106897534/