Scope Solas / VGM and Process Inform VGM without Login
▣ Date : effective on 20 June 2016 (Include transshipment Ex Thailand ▣ Scope : Applied to Container Vessels and Terminals under SOLAS regulation ▣ Weight Measure Method 1 : Upon the conclusion of packing and sealing a container, the shipper may weigh, or have arranged that a third party weight, the packed container. Method 2 : the shipper may weigh or have a third party weigh each package stuffed in the container including the packing and securing material and adding those weights to the container’s tare weight marked on the door end of the container. ▣ Limitation : No VGM, No Load. Shipper should submit VGM to carriers or terminals ▣ Remark : If shipper advice “VGM” wrong. All cost be held responsible by Shipper. ▣ Cut off : Before gate-in time
Process VGM for HMM 1. Shipper Inform “VGM” into HMM Website or Document in paper through Email/Fax… etc. (Not Recommended) 2. Shipper attach VGM documents with Truck before Gate in. What is VGM Document?
VGM Document : Now in Thailand haven’t format VGM Document : Now in Thailand haven’t format. But HMM recommended 2 format 1. Write “VGM” into copy Good control (Bai Kum Kub)
2. Print out this format and attach documents with Truck before Gate in.
Process Inform VGM without Login
Open Website
2. Choose -> VGM without Login 1. Select -> Booking 2. Choose -> VGM without Login
Input -> Booking Number
1. Input -> VGM PIN Number 2. Input -> Email Address System show defualt email Shipper can change Email address for confirmation after submit VGM
VGM Pin Number come from ?? What Is VGM Pin Number ??
VGM Pin No. is come from Booking Confirmation
** Pls include Tare Weight ** Input VGM ** Pls include Tare Weight **
Input Authorized Signature
1. After input finish. Click “Save & Submit” 2. Click Confirm “Notice”
After this Process finish. Process Complete After this Process finish. System automatics sent information as Email before submit