Sharing on pre-lesson tasks by the chemistry department 27-04-2015
Sharing by the chemistry department Pre-lab. work preparation (I) E.g. Students are asked to watch the video on the manipulation of apparatus involved in volumetric analysis so that they have some ideas before watching teachers’ demonstration and performing the experiment on their own.
Sharing by the chemistry department Pre-lab. work preparation (II) Students would be asked to write down the procedures for an experiment before they do the experiment in the lessons. E.g. Preparation of a soluble salt, zinc sulphate heptahydrate crystals by using zinc carbonate. ZnCO3 + H2SO4 ─→ZnSO4 + H2O +CO2
Sharing by the chemistry department Students can identify areas of weakness in their knowledge so they can overcome them before the lesson. E.g. Students will be asked to memorize relevant chemical equations that are required for the lessons on applications of neutralization. With the obstacles removed, they can then acquire new knowledge effectively.
Sharing by the chemistry department They become active learners. They will then be more motivated and their learning effectiveness will increase. E.g. Students were asked to present a small topic in groups of four or five. They will study the reading materials, digest the materials and present to their classmates.
Sharing by the chemistry department The students can comprehend and digest the teaching materials better. E.g. Students are asked to memorize the names of the carbon chains with different numbers of carbon such as meth for one carbon, then easily they get methanamine, CH3NH2; methanol, CH3OH; methanal;, HCHO; methanoic acid, HCO2H; methane, CH4.
Sharing by the chemistry department The quality of note-taking will improve as students have a picture of the lesson and related teaching materials after pre-lesson preparation.