SIDDHARTA - Status Report SIlicon Drift Detector for Hadronic Atom Research by Timing Applications SIDDHARTA - Status Report Johann Zmeskal Stefan-Meyer-Institut für subatomare Physik, Wien LNF- INFN, Frascati, Italy Stefan-Meyer-Institut, Vienna, Austria Politecnico, Milano, Italy MPE, Garching, Germany IFIN – HH, Bucharest, Romania Univ. Victoria, Canada RIKEN, Wako-shi, Japan Univ. of Tokyo, Japan 37th LNF Scientific Committee December 1, 2008
Content Installation of the SIDDHARTA setup Degrader optimization First results of gaseous kaonic helium SIDDHARTA Programme Beam Time Request 37th LNF Scientific Committee
Installation of the SIDDHARTA setup Aug. 15 – 30: preparation for and movement to DANE Sept. 1 – 15: vacuum and cryogenic tests debugging 37th LNF Scientific Committee
SIDDHARTA Setup Turbo molecular pump Target cooling system Varian, 150 l/s Target cooling system APD-cooler 8 W @ 20 K SDD cooling system Pulse Tube cooler 18 W @ 150 K 37th LNF Scientific Committee
Cryogenic target cell Working T 22 K Working P 2.5 bar Alu-grid Side wall: Kapton 50 µm Kaon entrance Window: Kapton 50 µm 37th LNF Scientific Committee
SDD – Silicon Drift Detector unit for 2 CDD-chips 6 cm2 active area SDD window frame (pure Al 99.999%) cooling back-plane flexible Kapton boards pre-amplifier board HV+LV distribution board 37th LNF Scientific Committee
37th LNF Scientific Committee
SIDDHARTA setup moved to DANE
SIDDHARTA interaction region 37th LNF Scientific Committee
Installation of SDD detector 37th LNF Scientific Committee
Cryogenic target and SDD detector 37th LNF Scientific Committee
Installation finished, ready for testing 37th LNF Scientific Committee
SIDDHARTA debugging phase 37th LNF Scientific Committee
Problems to be solved Latch-up of SDDs due to high background mainly during injection (checked to be MHz on 1 SDD…..) Installation of shielding Adapting SDD electronics for “fast recovery” 37th LNF Scientific Committee 14
Shielding of SIDDHARTA setup 37th LNF Scientific Committee
Lead shielding of SIDDHARTA 37th LNF Scientific Committee
37th LNF Scientific Committee
37th LNF Scientific Committee
37th LNF Scientific Committee 19
SIDDHARTA X-ray calibration 37th LNF Scientific Committee
37th LNF Scientific Committee
X-ray calibration spectrum counts / 40 eV energy [eV] 37th LNF Scientific Committee
SIDDHARTA Kaonic helium 37th LNF Scientific Committee
background about 10 x K-H DEAR but, we have the “kaon-trigger” !!! K-He spectrum – I.L. ~ 15 pb-1 background about 10 x K-H DEAR but, we have the “kaon-trigger” !!! x102 events / 50eV energy [eV] 37th LNF Scientific Committee 24
without trigger K-He with trigger Au L-lines L L L Lhigher events / 50eV Au L-lines K-He with trigger events / 50eV 37th LNF Scientific Committee 25
37th LNF Scientific Committee Coincidence region Counts/3 channels time Time difference Kaon trigger + coincidence region Lalpha Lgamma Lbeta Counts/30 eV energy [eV] 37th LNF Scientific Committee
37th LNF Scientific Committee X-ray energy [eV] Counts/30 eV Lalpha Lgamma Lbeta coincidence region Non-coincidence region 37th LNF Scientific Committee
Degrader studies - optimization 37th LNF Scientific Committee
Measurements started on November 6, and 5 different degrader were used optimal degrader thickness found window of safe operations (+/- 50 microns around optimal degrader, about 2% of total material budget) 350 microns less than optimal degrader K-Al X-rays seen (solid targets?) 37th LNF Scientific Committee
Time correlation kaon –X-ray signal Degrader III coincidence window ~ 1.2 µs counts per channel (1ch=8.3ns) time 37th LNF Scientific Committee
Coincidence window: 1.2 µs Degrader II Coincidence window: 1.2 µs 37th LNF Scientific Committee
Coincidence window: 1.2 µs Degrader III Coincidence window: 1.2 µs 37th LNF Scientific Committee
Coincidence window: 1.2 µs Degrader IV Coincidence window: 1.2 µs 37th LNF Scientific Committee
Degrader optimization K-He(L) S/B ratio I.L. [pb-1] K-He/pb-1 Deg 2 397±24 4.0 11.4 34.8±2.1 Deg 3 590±30 4.6 14.8 39.9±2.0 Deg 4 420±24 4.2 11.1 37.8±2.2 Deg 5 209±19 2.6 9.0 23.2±2.1 Degrader base made of Mylar: -60,-40 mm 100 µm -40,-20 mm 200 µm -20,0 mm 400 µm 0,+20 mm 600 µm +20,+40 mm 700 µm +40,+60 mm 800 µm 37th LNF Scientific Committee
Best degrader -350µm: K-Al Coincidence window: 1.2 µs 7-6 8-7 37th LNF Scientific Committee
Kaonic helium 37th LNF Scientific Committee
very preliminary SIDDHARTA K-He 3d2p L yield = (12 ± 4)% 6d2p 4d2p 37th LNF Scientific Committee
37th LNF Scientific Committee
KEK: E570 K-He 37th LNF Scientific Committee
TRIUMF Headline Story: Awards & Honours: The 2008 Nishina Memorial Prize Ryu Hayano Member of SIDDHARTA collaboration KEK: Kaonic Helium CERN-AD: Antiprotonic Helium 37th LNF Scientific Committee
SIDDHARTA programme 37th LNF Scientific Committee
using K-He measurement K-H S/B extrapolation using K-He measurement K yield of K-H is a factor 10 - 20 less than the K-He L yield and the K-H width is a factor 1.5 bigger S/B for K-H will be 1/ 2.5 1/5 S/B = 1/3 -> precision: 6 eV S/B = 1/5 -> precision: 8 eV 37th LNF Scientific Committee 42
Expected SIDDHARTA result Kaonic hydrogen precision estimated using the kaonic helium measurement error in shift: better than 10 eV error in width: better than 35 eV -500 500 200 400 600 800 1000 shift e1s [eV] Davies et al, 1979 Izycki et al, 1980 Bird et al, 1983 SIDDHARTA KpX width G1s [eV] DEAR 37th LNF Scientific Committee
Plans for December 2008 Measurement of K-He until mid of December -> data for publication (yield and position of L-lines) Collimator test for kaon monitor: expected background reduction by a factor of ~2 a first test with hydrogen might be possible 37th LNF Scientific Committee 44
Kaon detector collimator 37th LNF Scientific Committee 45
Dedicated SIDDHARTA Run 2009 beam time request Stable, dedicated working conditions Better electron injection (background) Optimization of the duty-cycle integrated luminosity Precision measurement of kaonic hydrogen 400 pb-1 (with 10 pb-1/day and 70 % duty-cycle: 60-80 days) Measurement of kaonic deuterium 600 pb-1 (first measurement: might need new shielding) Further options/experiments are under evaluation 37th LNF Scientific Committee 46
We wish to express our THANKS TO Director LNF, Mario Calvetti DANE machine staff G.Corradi, D. Tagnani (Electronics) B. Dulach, C. Capoccia (Mech. Design, Installation) Staff of the mechanical workshop (M.A. Franceschi, G. Bisogni) 37th LNF Scientific Committee