Country Presentation Bhutan Regional workshop on Ecological Sanitation Sri Lanka 27-29 April 2009
Outline Country background Sanitation Policy MDG progress Ecological sanitation Way forward Challenges Positive policy impact (SACOSAN) Conclusions
Background Area (sq. km): 38,394 Population (2005-2006) 634,982 Life expectancy (2005-2006) 66.1 Infant immunization coverage (2008) 90% Literacy rate (2005-2006) 59.5%
Sanitation Policy 1992 Royal Decree on Sanitation 1 Household 1 latrine policy Sanitation promotion without material subsidies 2002 RWSS policy No stand alone sanitation policy No mention of Ecosan Facilitate community self-prioritisation of health issues, self- planning and implementation Government provide sanitation facilities to educational, health and religious institutions (UNICEF)
MDG Progress
Health Impact?
Ecological sanitation New concept Few water and sanitation engineers, teachers, health officers and agriculturist trained on Eco-sanitation Pilot projects to be taken up shortly in 4 districts ( including two schools and rural communities) Learn from other countries experiences
Way forward Improve rural sanitation and hygiene Development of appropriate, affordable and sustainable technology and approach Technical Assistance from SNV Posted 1 long term International Sanitation and Hygiene Specialist 4 long term National TAs 1 ST Sanitation technology TA 1 ST TA for developing baseline data 2-year piloting phase (4 blocks selected) Sanitation policy developed Review and plan for country wide roll out
Challenges Lack of stand alone sanitation policy Difficulty due to rugged terrain (geographic) Inadequate financial resources Inadequate technical capacity and dedicated staff at various level Simple technology but implicated by behaviour change issue Coordination amongst stakeholders
Positive policy impact (SACOSAN) Adequate focus on sanitation programme Greater attention on Institutional development Better commitment for resource allocation
Conclusions Water and sanitation: Government’s 3rd top priority Good coverage but need quality improvement (Need to climb up the sanitation ladder) Eco-sanitation is a new concept but being explored Acknowledge UNICEF Regional Office and SEI for facilitation initiatives Learn from other countries’ experiences Contribute to the goal of total sanitation in the Regional. Thank you