Writing 1 The Second Semester 2015-2016 Unit 6: Definition Paragraph Presented by Dr. Mohamed Sha’at
The objective of the Session Students are expected to: Define the definition paragraph. List the different types of definitions. Mention the problems of definitions. Write a definition paragraph.
What is a definition paragraph What is a definition paragraph? A definition paragraph defines something. It gives facts, details, and examples to make a definition clear to a reader. It tells the reader what something is. The best way to learn what a definition paragraph looks like is to read and study several examples. Invite students to read the Gumbo and Gossip paragraphs, pp. 91-92 and answer their questions. .
A paragraph of definition is written to explain the use of a certain term in a particular situation. Definitions Formal Stipulated d It explains the writer’s use of a particular term within a specific context. It explains how you employ a term for a particular purpose. Here you provide your particular interpretation of the term. This definition is usually longer than a single sentence. We normally employ abstract words e.g. friendship, justice….. It explains the meaning as it is found in a dictionary.
A formal definition includes three elements: (1) the term, the word needs to be defined, (2) the class, the category of the term or its common characteristics and (3) the specific or the features which distinguish it from other members . Examples of formal definitions: 1- A wrist watch is a mechanical time-telling device which is fastened on the wrist with a band. 2- Education is knowledge, skills or ability developed or obtained by a learning process. 3- Hyperbole is a figure of speech which makes the writer’s meaning clear through overstatement.
Problems of Definitions: 1- The Circular Definition/ Repetition: the writer repeats the word itself or a word from the same family e.g. : economic is the study of economy. 2- The Overextended Definition: extended means longer than usual. Overextended means to expand beyond a proper, safe or reasonable point. E.g. lemonade is a refreshing drink. Here you have to expand this definition as we have many other things that can fit this definition e.g.: milk, water, mango juice .. :
3- The Over restricted Definition: this problem involves the act of restricting the item or the term being defined to only a part of its totality. E.g. a table is a place where one eats. The writer here over restricted this definition as the table can be used for other purposes. Another example: a pen is used for writing. Define the following terms (p 252): 1- a pencil 2- a rose 3- a canoe Students can use their dictionaries to write the definitions of the above terms.
In writing such a paragraph, writers tend to extend the definition of terms.
Polling How can you grade this meeting? A = excellent, B = very good, C = good or D = fair.
Dr. Mohammed Sha’at