cNIS Update Anand Patil, DANTE NML-WG, Open Grid Forum 22, Cambridge (MA), 26 February 2008
Contents Introduction Schema Current Status Future Plans Summary
Introduction common Network Information System (cNIS) Unified repository of relevant network information To avoid effort duplication, replication of data and inconsistency Northbound interfaces (use NML instead) Information about a single domain only One self-managed instance of cNIS per domain cNIS v1 deployed Sep 1 2007 Automatic IP network discovery
Schema cNIS schema is a RDBMS schema not XML Flexible design, with a technology-agnostic core such that support for new protocols can be added easily Time information kept, so that past and future topologies can be accessed Schema Task Force established Reviewing IP, Ethernet and SDH schema Work on OTN, Fibre schema UML data model in version 0.17 – work in progress
Current Status Four Bug fixes and feature enhancement releases since v1 perfSONAR NMWG Topology interface implemented Tested with DFNs CNM tool perfSONAR echo request/response interface implemented A plugin Network Discovery Framework Hungarnet working on Ethernet discovery (Net Spotter) Tested on Renater testbed as well as GÉANT2, GARR and LRZ networks Trials with other perfSONAR pilot NRENs delayed
Future Plans cNIS v1.1 to be released in March 2008 Further refine schema Integrate with eduGAIN (GIdP), Lookup service Automated discovery for Ethernet, SDH and OTH layer Working with Hungarnet (NetSpotter) Support for initial deployments Transition to Service Provide input to, and in future adopt, OGF NML-WG
Summary cNIS a unified repository of network information RDBMS schema modelled in UML Task force working on schema refinement cNIS v1 released Sep 2007, v1.1 coming soon Plans to automate lower layer discovery Transition to service Contribute to NML-WG and adopt it as standard interface
Thank You Any further Questions, Comments, Feedback or Suggestions please contact Anand Patil Websites