Sailmaker - Revision
Alec What happens to Alec in the course of the play? How does he change during the play?
Alec His mother dies He plays with Ian and has similar interests He becomes interested in Christianity He goes to private school He goes to university He argues with his father He leaves to move into student accommodation
Alec He once looked up to his father and defended his status as a sailmaker to Ian. Later in the piece he begins to grow apart from his father. He used to be close with Ian and talk to him at length about football and the girls he fancied. Later in the piece he grows apart from Ian. His interests change and he spends all his time at the mission, wanting to escape his home life.
Alec He once looked up to his father and defended his status as a sailmaker to Ian. Later in the piece he begins to grow apart from his father.
Positive Traits Negative Traits Alec Positive Traits Negative Traits
Alec Positive Traits He is motivated He is open-minded (like his father) He looked up to his father as a child and did not complain about their situation Negative Traits He becomes quite harsh to his father. He does not see that his father needs support and instead moves away.
Davie What happens to him during the play? How does he change during the play?
Davie He loses his wife He gets in debt to the bookie He is assaulted by the bookie He loses his tick-man job He loses his factory job when the factory shuts down He argues with Alec over dinner He borrows money from Alec to pay bills After gambling some of Alec’s money, he comes home drunk and fights with Alec Davie burns Davie’s sailmaking tools and the yacht for heat.
Davie After losing his wife, he initially tries to be strong but he struggles to cope with being a single father. He begins to turn to alcohol to cope. This progressively becomes worse as the play goes on. He realises that he never really did anything with his life.
Davie Positive Traits He is intelligent Open-minded Not prejudiced Tries to be brave Cares about his son Encourages him to do better than he did Negative Traits Defeatist He is passive (lets things happen to him) He struggles with his (and others) emotions
Billy What happens to him during the play?
Billy He paints Alec’s yacht He tries to help Davie with the bookie He gets Davie a job at the factory He works with Ian (painting greengrocers) He moves to Aberdeen
Billy Positive Traits He is practical He is true to his word Good with money (gambling’s a mug’s game) Enthusiastic and get-up-and-go Negative Traits Strong sectarian prejudices
Ian What happens to him during the play?
Ian He plays with Alec. Him and Alec grow apart. He makes fun of Alec for going to private school. He follows his father into painting
Ian Positive Traits He is practical and hardworking Negative Traits Strong sectarian prejudices