An Equivalence of Maximum Parsimony and Maximum Likelihood revisited MIEP, 10 – 12 June 08, Montpellier An Equivalence of Maximum Parsimony and Maximum Likelihood revisited Mareike Fischer and Bhalchandra Thatte Mareike Fischer
The Problem Growing amount of DNA data stochastic models and methods needed for analysis! MP and ML are two of the most frequently discussed methods. MP and ML can perform differently (e.g. in the so-called ‘Felsenstein Zone’) But: When are MP and ML equivalent? Approach by Tuffley & Steel Mareike Fischer
The Nr-Model Given: r character states c1,…,cr ; No distinction between character states (fully symmetric model!); The probability pe of a transition on edge e is pe ≤ 1/r; Transition events on different edges are independent. Note: If r=4: Jukes-Cantor! Mareike Fischer
The Equivalence Result Tuffley and Steel (1997): MP and ML with no common mechanism are equivalent in the sense that both choose the same tree(s). Note: ‘No common mechanism’ means that the transition probabilities can vary from site to site. Mareike Fischer
Linearity of the Likelihood Function An extension gf of a character f agrees with f on the leaves, but also assigns character states to the ancestral nodes. Example: r=2, f=(c1,c1,c1,c2): c1 c2 8 different extensions! c2 c1 c1 c2 1 2 3 4 f: c1 c1 c1 c2 Mareike Fischer
Thus, P(f) is linear in each pe ! Linearity of the Likelihood Function Note that and u pe Thus, P(f) is linear in each pe ! 1 2 3 4 c1 Mareike Fischer
Maximum of the Likelihood Function Linear functions h: [0,t] kR are maximized at a corner of the box [0,t] k. Thus, we can assume wlog. that ML chooses a tree T with pe = 0 or 1/r for all edges e of T ! 1/r t t 1/r Mareike Fischer
Bound of the Likelihood Function Let k be the number of ∞-edges. As before, we have ∞ ∞ ∞ Therefore, Note that P(gf)=0 if gf requires a substitution on an edge of length 0! For N = #{gf : P(gf)≠0} ML-Tree T ∞ Note that if P(gf)≠0 , then P(gf)=(1/r) k+1 ! And thus Mareike Fischer
So, for N = #{gf : P(gf)≠0} and k = #{∞-edges}, we have: Bound for the Likelihood Function So, for N = #{gf : P(gf)≠0} and k = #{∞-edges}, we have: ∞ Wanted: Upper bound for N . ∞ ∞ Delete ∞-edges; k+1 connected components remain, M of them are labelled (i.e. contain at least one leaf) And: PS(f,T) ≤ M – 1 ck ck c1 ci k+1 components, M labelled ∞ Here: k =4. cj Mareike Fischer
Equivalence of MP and ML Altogether: So we have: But obviously also as the most parsimonious extension of f requires exactly PS(f,T) changes. And thus In a sequence of ‘no common mechanism’, each likelihood can be maximized independently, and thus Applied to one character f, MP and ML are equivalent! Mareike Fischer
Then, MP and ML are not equivalent! Bounded edge lengths Modification of the model: Transition probabilities subject to upper bound u: 0 ≤ pe ≤ u < 1/r Then, MP and ML are not equivalent! Mareike Fischer
Example: Bounded edge lengths for r=2 Then, PS(f1|T1) = PS(f2|T2) = 1 Therefore, MP and ML are not equivalent in this setting! Also, P(f1|T1) = P(f2|T2), MP is indecisive between T1 and T2 ! Note that by repeating f1 n times and f2 (n+c) times (c>0), a strong counterexample can be constructed! but max P(f2|T1) = 2u2(1-u)2 > u2 = max P(f1|T2) ML favors T1 over T2 ! and PS(f1|T2) = PS(f2|T1) = 2 Mareike Fischer
Under a molecular clock, MP and ML are not equivalent! Example: Here, pe = (1-Pe)/2. Under a molecular clock, MP and ML are not equivalent! Note that under a clock, the maximum of the likelihood can occur in the interior of the box [0,1/r]k ! The ‘height’ P of the tree is fixed: P=P1P2=P3P4P5 In this setting, MP is indecisive between T1 and T2 but ML favors T1. Mareike Fischer
Summary Even under the assumption of no common mechanism, MP and ML do not have to be equivalent! Small changes to the model assumptions suffice to achieve this. Mareike Fischer
Thanks… … to my supervisor Mike Steel, … to the organizers of this conference, … to the Allan Wilson Centre for financing my research, … to YOU for listening or at least waking up early enough to read this message . Mareike Fischer