The Odyssey Book 16
Telemachas Arrives Odysseus and Eumaois dine Dogs react to Telemachas Telemachas and Eumaois embrace “as a father, with heart full of love/welcomes his only son..Back in the tenth year/from a distant country.” *dramatic and situational irony
Knowledge Telemachas asks about his mother and the suitors Learns of the planned ambush Xenia- The beggar tries to give Telemachas his seat (host-guest)
Irony Telemachas asks where the beggar came from Eumaois related that the beggar is not in h is care Burdened, young and defenseless Penelope waivers Suitors cannot be influenced
Inquiry Odysseus asks if Telemachas is hated by gods Otherwise, he should be willing to die rather than accept shameful, rude and slovenly suitors
Plea No aid Laertes- Odysseus- Telemachas Care to reveal return (only to Penelope)
Optimism Telemachas advises Eumaois to keep return from Laertes since efforts should focus on Odysseus’ return instead
Athene’s Advice Reveal identify to Telemachas Brightens clothing, returns color, strenghens God-like status Punishment for Telemachas
Another Attempt Athene’s work Power of the gods Twenty year span
Doubt 2 men to fight more than 100 suitors from more than 5 countries Zeus and Athene as assistants
Transformation Telemachas and the beggar Secret Identity (-Penelope and Laertes) Stores all weapons (- 2 sets) Tainted by the suitors/lost value Endure mistreatment: dragged, beaten, slandered Test women then men for loyalty
Futile Ambush Suitors enraged by failed attack Plot another attempt Shamed gods for assistance
Deception Antinoos advises to return to countries and woo from afar Ask advice from Gods
Confrontation Penelope confronts Antinoos Odysseus protected father in need Never repaid Demand Telemachas safety Antinoos agrees
While plotting death! Only is the gods approve shall he be released “So he spoke, encouraging her, but himself was planning/ the murder.”
Preparation While at the pastures, the ship passes full of swords an spears Divine intervention All slumber