Support The toulmin model
Supporting the Claim Using Support: Every argument we make needs to be supported in some way. Two main kinds of support Evidence Appeals to needs and values
Examples Examples: Type of factual evidence Puts the information in context for a reader Makes writing more exciting Provides specific evidence for an argument Creates visualizations Argument: Movie music influences the mood of the audience. Example: For example, the iconic shower scene in Psycho would not be scary without the accompanying screech of the violins. This type of theoretical thinking would be boring and impractical without examples to illuminate.
Statistics Express information in numbers Make comparisons more effective Especially comparisons over time (Think Fed Up) Diagrams, charts, and graphs Easily makes clear the relationships between sets of numbers
Interpretations of the facts Causal connection: cause/effect relationships Predictions: what will happen because…? Expert Opinion: authority of experts in the field We rely on experts to interpret the data. We assume they have a broader knowledge Think about how Hamblin uses expert opinion
Evaluation of evidence Factual: Is the evidence up to date? Is the evidence sufficient? Is the evidence relevant Are the examples representative? Are the examples consistent with the experience of the audience?
Evaluation of statistics: Do the stats come from trustworthy sources? Are the terms clearly defined? Are the comparisons between tangible things? Has any significant information been omitted?
Evaluation of opinions: Is the source of the opinion qualified to give one? Is the source biased? Has the source bolstered the claim with sufficient and appropriate evidence?
Beyond the facts… Appealing to Needs: Maslow’s Hierarchy Social Needs Arguments about health Social Needs Arguments in favor of public school Esteem Needs Arguments condemning magazine ads Self-Actualization Needs “Be all that you can be”
Beyond the facts… Appealing to Values: Write down your definition of values. What do you consider to be the most important value? Where do your values come from? Whose do they conflict with? Why is it important to understand the value of the audience? How do you address those who may have different values? How do the writers in the articles we’ve read address those values?