NEZ PERCE By: Amanda
Where they lived The Nez Perce lived near Oregon and Washington. The land has mountains, deep canyons, forest, rivers, and streams. Where they lived was cold in the winter.
Family life The women cared for the home. They also gathered food and made basket. They also decorated the family clothing. The men hunted and fished. They also cared for horses. They even made the house.
Society They where dived among 80 bands. Each band had a headman. The headman was usually decide by heredity. Sometimes the headman was a medicine.
Clothing The men whore fringed shirts. Breech clothes Leggings Moccasins The women whore long buckskin dress. Knee-length moccasins Leggings Woven hats
Crafts The women wove baskets. The also wove cone – shaped hats. The women also did quill work. They also made there quill dyes.
War The Nez Perce where very peaceful. They where honest and peaceful. They to war to protect their land. They went to war with other tribes.
Interesting fact They call themselves the “Nimi’poo.” This means the people. They got the name Nez Perce from the French- Canadians. This means pierced nose.
I hope you liked my power point about the Nez Perce Indians. END