John Cabot By Elodie and Olivia
John Cabot John was born in Venice, Italy He was named Giovanni Caboto John Cabot was a merchant, or shopkeeper.
What motivated John Cabot to explore ? Merchant s John Cabot wanted to find a sea route to china so the merchants would not have to pay the Turks taxes This would help make the goods they wanted less expensive Turks The Turks forced the merchants to pay high taxes to pass through their land Merchants carried goods along land routes from China to Egypt in caravans
Who sponsored John Cabot to sail to China? King Henry VII of England sponsored John Cabot to sail. John Cabot went to many other kings before Henry VII but they all said no. John Cabot King Henry VII
Important dates of exploration John Cabot Mid- 1400 1496 1497 1498 ----- Cabot grows up in Venice, Italy Cabot gets permission to sail from King Henry VII of England Cabot sets out on his first expedition Cabot sets sail on his second expedition. He is never heard from again
Routes of Exploration Red is his 1st voyage Brown is his second voyage
Impacts John Cabot provided new information for maps, carried disease, and mistreated and killed Native Americans
Interesting facts Caboto Means “a coastal seaman” During Cabot’s second voyage the weather had become increasingly cold and the journey was made difficult by icebergs. Some historians think Cabot was not lost at sea but rather safely returned to England. Others think the pension was just paid to his family.
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