DATE: xx September 2017 HEADING: Introduction to psychology Lesson 1 – Introduction to Psychology Learning Challenge: You will be able to: Identify the course content Understand the concept of Ethics in Psychology Identify the 5 areas of study of psychology
Starter Write down 5 sentences explaining what you think Psychology is about. (This could be what you have read about, heard about or even what you hope you will learn about.) Be ready to share your ideas with the class.
Let’s Read: Page 2 Whole Class
Do the Your Turn activity from the resource (Silent independent work) We will discuss your answers afterwards.
COURSE CONTENT 1. Criminal Psychology 1. Social Influence 2. Memory 2. Development PAPER 2 PAPER 1 3. Sleep and Dreaming 3. Psychological Problems 4. Research Methods 4. Research Methods
Lets Watch a Video!!
12 September: Lesson continues Starter Can you remember what we discussed last lesson. Write down two things you will learn in Psychology that is of interest to you. Be ready to share your ideas with the class.
Let’s Read: Page 3 Laying Down Foundation Whole Class
Do the Your Turn activity from the resource (Silent independent work) We will discuss your answers afterwards.
Let’s Read: Page 4 Areas of Psychology Whole Class
Areas of Psychology Biological: Genetic, Biochemical, Neuro-anatomical, Micro-organisms Cognitive: Thought, Information, Mental Processes Social: Impact of social and environmental factors Developmental: How our thinking changes as we grow older Individual Differences: Understanding the complex nature of human behaviour and how people are different
What types of Psychologists do you get? Child Psychologist Clinical Psychologist Community Psychologist Developmental Psychologist Educational Psychologist Forensic Psychologist Industrial / Organisational Psychologist Neuropsychologist School Psychologist Social Psychologist Sport Psychologist
Do the Your Turn activity from the resource (Silent independent work) We will discuss your answers afterwards.
Let’s watch a video
Let’s talk about your Home Learning Opportunity: You have to find an article (you can search online, in a magazine or in the newspaper) that interests you. The article has to be of a psychological nature. Bring it to your next lesson.
Plenary You have learnt about the 5 areas of psychology. Which area interests you the most thus far? Explain your choice.