HOME EXERCISE PROGRAM. Complete each exercise twice per week HOME EXERCISE PROGRAM Complete each exercise twice per week. Follow the instructions and pictures and do your best!! Mark which days you do your exercises on the calendar with a star or sticker.
Butterfly Stretch www.manitobainmotion.com Sit in the center of your pillow with your back against a wall or the couch. Position the bottoms of your feet together and let your knees slowly fall towards the floor. Use your elbows to apply slight pressure to your knees to get a better stretch. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat.
Start out on hands and knees. Two Point Quadruped Start out on hands and knees. Slowly raise opposite arm and leg (ex. Right arm and left leg) until they are level with the floor. Hold for 5 seconds and switch to the other sides. Do 5 on each side, rest, and repeat 5 more on each side.
Inchworm walking Inchworm Walking Start with your hands and feet far apart. (picture 1) Keep your hands fixed and walk your feet to your hands. (picture 1) Then keep your feet fixed and walk your hands out. (picture 2) Repeat 5 times. DO SLOWLY!
Frog Squat with feet wide enough apart that heels can touch or are close to the ground. Arms come inside of knees, hands rest on floor shoulder distance apart. Use arms to help spread knees wide. Let hips drop low while back lengthens up, chest lifts and shoulders are wide. Hold for 20 seconds.
Week #1: For each exercise completed place a star/sticker Week #1: For each exercise completed place a star/sticker in the square. Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Butterfly Inchworm Walking 2 Point Quads Frog 6 6
Week #2: For each exercise completed place a star/sticker Week #2: For each exercise completed place a star/sticker in the square. Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Butterfly Inchworm Walking 2 Point Quads Frog 7 7