Preparing for OB Clinicals: Initial Newborn Bath/Shampoo
Preparation Ensure infant is warm enough. Minimum axillary temp. 98.0 F or 36.6 C Ensure you have all your supplies Fill a wash basin with warm water; check temp. on your inner forearm Undress the infant. Start with the eyes. Use no soap on the face. Use one corner of the wash cloth to wipe one eye; a different corner to wipe the other eye. Gently continue washing the face Lather a wash cloth with baby shampoo. Wash the ears and neck; continue to wash the upper torso and arms. Discard cloth and lather another
Next, wash the legs and genital area. Discard cloth and lather another Placing a hand on the chest, carefully turn the infant over and wash the backside of the infant, starting at the neck/shoulders and work your way down Return the infant to a supine position and cover with a blanket Discard soapy water and replace with clean warm water. Rinse the infant by repeating the entire process in the same order. Dry the infant fully Remove all wet linen from under and around the infant. Replace with clean dry linen. Place a clean diaper on the infant Swaddle the infant in a clean blanket and bring the infant to the sink for the shampoo
Drying the Infant
Remember… Perform the bath/shampoo quickly so infant does not get cold; cold stress could result Cover the infant as required during the bath If it is the first bath, wear gloves Infant may have waxy vernix in skin creases/ folds. Be gentle when cleaning in these areas
Shampoo Turn on water and regulate temperature by testing on inner forearm Carefully wet the infant’s head being sure that no water enters the ears Squeeze some shampoo onto the hair and shampoo the hair using the infant scrub brush Rinse and repeat. Towel dry the hair. Comb the hair using an infant comb Return infant to warmer (or as per agency); remove wet towel; replace temp. sensor Check axillary temperature as instructed Once warmed, apply T-shirt, hat and swaddle in two warmed clean, dry blankets. Place in bassinette
Using a Infant Scrub Brush