Ravi Venkatesan, November 2016 Leadership Series Topic: “Life Lessons in Leadership” with Ravi Venkatesan, MBA 1992 Participants: 16 Audience: Alumni Highlights: Philanthropist, writer and mentor, Ravi shared invaluable lessons in leadership mirrored by his own personal journey of periodic self disruption and choosing to follow the road less travelled. Location: Mumbai, HBS India Research Center Date: 9th November 2016
Nadir Godrej, November 2016 Leadership Series Topic: “Life Lessons in Leadership” with Nadir Godrej, MBA 1976 Participants: 14 Audience: Alumni Highlights: The poet businessman Nadir Godrej regaled participants with his poetry and his insights on leadership, mathematical constructs, Pushkin sonnets and the use of innovation in business for the greater good. Location: Kolkata, at the residence of Vinita Bajoria (AMP) Date: 16th November 2016