ACS WASC/CDE Visiting Committee Final Presentation Accrediting Commission for Schools Western Association of Schools and Colleges ACS WASC/CDE Visiting Committee Final Presentation Point Arena High School April 3-5, 2017
Focus on Learning asks… How do you know that all students are achieving based on our schoolwide student goals and academic standards? Is the school doing everything possible to support high achievement for all its students?
Organization: Vision and Purpose, Governance, Leadership, Staff, and Resources Areas to Celebrate Active Site Council and Native American Committees Translation Services Offered for Hispanic/Latino Parents Board is Active in the Dissemination of Information Per Pupil Spending is Above State Average Areas for Focus Build Trust and Mutual Respect Lack of Participation of all Stakeholders Give all Teachers a Voice to Determine the Direction of the School
Standard-Based Student Learning: Curriculum Areas to Celebrate A-G Course Offerings A Wide Variety of Electives and AP Classes Courses to Prepare Students for College Areas for Focus Better Use of the NTN Program Use of Benchmarks to Guide Instruction Collaboration that Support All Teachers
Standard-Based Student Learning: Instruction Areas to Celebrate Content Standards and Learner Outcomes Teachers Use a Variety of Educational Strategies Transitioning from Traditional to NTN Areas for Focus Teachers Need to Differentiate Instruction Use of Benchmarks was not Evident NTN Adoption was Inconsistent
Standard-Based Student Learning: Assessment and Accountability Areas to Celebrate There are Assessment Systems in the CAASP and NTN that Can be used to Monitor Progress CAASP Data was used to Make Decisions on Assessment Program Assessment Information was made Available to Parents Areas for Focus Benchmarks Need to be Developed and Information Analyzed to Guide Student Learning NTN’s Efficacy Must be Monitored Through Benchmarks Analysis of Assessment Results Need to be used to Guide Instruction
School Culture and Support for Student Personal and Academic Growth Areas to Celebrate Community Involvement Component in NTN WorkAbility Program High Expectations in Many Classes Counseling, Clubs, and Athletic Programs Available Areas for Focus Improve Outreach for Parent Involvement Teachers Need to Work Together to Build Trust Recruit and Retain Highly-Qualified Teachers
Celebrate Schoolwide Strengths Teachers Who Care About Their Students Great Students Who Want Good Teachers Great Facility in a Beautiful Location Every Student has a Laptop Computer Technology in the Classroom Historically Strong Athletic and Extracurricular Programs NTN Project-based Learning Access to A-G Curriculum
Critical Areas for Focus Leadership Team Must Develop, Implement, and Revise the Action Plan with the Involvement of All Stakeholders An Atmosphere of Respect and Mutual Trust Must be Created Between the Superintendent and Teachers A System for Supporting for New and Inexperienced Teachers All Staff Involvement in the Agendas for Collaboration/Staff Meetings Must Occur Benchmark Assessments Need to Drive Decisions and Measure Student Growth NTN’s Success Must be Evaluated Through Data Analysis Administration Needs to Ensure all Teachers are Trained to Use NTN Effectively
Making It Happen: Action Plan Within the next two weeks, submit your Action Plan to the WASC Commission. It must include: Statement of the area for improvement Rationale for area based on self-study findings Impact on student learning of academic standards and schoolwide learner outcomes Who is responsible and involved Specific steps Timeline Resources Ways of assessing progress, including student achievement of the schoolwide learner outcomes and academic standards Means to report progress to all stakeholders
Schoolwide Action Plan Visualize what will be different for students…. One year from now? Two years from now? Three years from now?