NEXUS: Freshman Transition Program Medford High School Mr. David Ambrose Mrs. Megan LeClair September 27, 2017
NEXUS (noun): A connection or series of connections linking two or more things A connected group or series The central and most important point or place
Welcome to Nexus! This class will be all about making connections within our school community during your freshman year. We hope this class will become a true “nexus” – your central and most important point or place here at Medford High School.
Course Overview A support class for ninth graders that meets every school day Will support you to succeed in the high school environment Set goals for ourselves, play team-building games, manage our assignments for our classes, complete our homework, and learn about relevant topics from a variety of visitors A “homebase” where you can check in daily with your teachers
Typical Class Format Check in with students about assignments Help students complete assignments Students make up work missed due to absence Assist students in contacting their teachers about progress in the course, questions, concerns Students complete tests and quizzes (if missed due to absence or if extra time is required) Work on study skills Play team building games Work with Mr. Klein on Project Wayfinder lessons
Units of Study Setting Goals and Working to Achieve Them Clubs and Activities at MHS/MVTHS Study Skills and Test Taking Prep Essay Writing Organization and Time Management Conflict Resolution Team Building Problem Solving Community Service Making Healthy Choices Resume Writing and Job Applications
A Little About Mrs. LeClair 32 years old 11 years teaching at MHS Algebra I Nexus: Freshman Transition Program MCAS Math Proud mother to Finn and Bode Bridgewater State University, B.A. Mathematics and Secondary Education American International College, M.Ed., Moderate Disabilities Writing Club Advisor
A Little About Mr. Ambrose 36 years old, 13 years teaching at MHS English 10 Honors and English 10 Standard Nexus: Freshman Transition Program Blue and White Yearbook Proud father to Ben, Charlotte, Will UMass Amherst ’03, B.A. English and Journalism UMass Amherst ’04, M.Ed. Urban Education 2014 Graduation Speaker Accreditation Committee
Other Support Staff Tim Klein Ben Staines Rebecca Steinberg Ian Charles Guidance Counselors John Perella
Contact Information
Index Cards Your name and your child’s name Is there anything you want us to know so that we may be better teachers for your child? Is there anything you would like to share about your child’s personality, interests, or previous academic experiences? Thank you for coming!