CLIC Main Beam Sources and their transfer lines Louis Rinolfi
General CLIC layout for 3 TeV Drive Beam Generation Main Beam Generation
CLIC Main Beam generation CLIC Main Beams generation: 4 studies are ongoing to produce e+/e- with the requested parameters at the entrance of the Pre-Damping Ring (PDR): 1) Baseline configuration: 3 TeV (c.m.) - polarized electrons (5x109 e-/bunch) and unpolarized positrons (7.6x109 e+/bunch). Pulse of 156 ns long with 312 bunches 2) Double charge configuration: 500 GeV (c.m.) - polarized electrons (10x109 e-/bunch) and unpolarized positrons (15.2x109 e+/bunch) with same pulse length as above 3) Polarized positron configuration: 3 TeV (c.m.) - polarized e- and e+ with same parameters as for the baseline 4) Low energy configuration (< 3 TeV): 4.1) Polarized e- and unpolarized e+ with the highest repetition frequency 4.2) Polarized e- and unpolarized e+ with half the baseline charge but 800 bunches
CLIC Main Beam Injector Complex Base line configuration 2010 IP e+ Main Linac e- Main Linac e+ BC2 e- BC2 12 GHz 12 GHz 12 GHz, 100 MV/m, 21 km 9 GeV 48 km IP = Interaction Point SR= Spin Rotator BC = Bunch Compressor DR= Damping Ring PDR= Pre-Damping Ring AMD= Adiabatic Matching Device 3 TeV Base line configuration 2010 Booster Linac 6.14 GeV 4 GHz e+ BC1 4 GHz e- BC1 4 GHz 2.86 GeV 2.86 GeV e+ DR e- DR unpolarized e+ polarized e- e+ PDR e- PDR 2.86 GeV 2.86 GeV SR Transfer lines in red upstream the PDR’s Injector Linac 2.66 GeV 2 GHz e-/g Target g/e+ Target Thermionic e- gun Pre-injector e+ Linac 200 MeV Pre-injector e- Linac 200 MeV Laser Primary e- Beam Linac 5 GeV DC gun Polarized e- 2 GHz 2 GHz AMD 2 GHz
CLIC Main Beam Injector Complex Compton based configuration IP e+ Main Linac e- Main Linac e- BC2 12 GHz e+ BC2 12 GHz 12 GHz, 100 MV/m, 21 km 9 GeV 48 km 3 TeV Compton based configuration Booster Linac 6.14 GeV 4 GHz e+ BC1 4 GHz e- BC1 4 GHz 2.86 GeV 2.86 GeV e+ DR e- DR polarized e+ polarized e- e+ PDR e- PDR 2.86 GeV 2.86 GeV Spin rotator Spin rotator Drive e- Beam Linac 1 GeV RF gun Transfer lines in red upstream the PDR’s Injector Linac 2.66 GeV 2 GHz Compton ring 2 GHz g/e+ Target YAG Laser g Pre-injector Linac for e+ 200 MeV Pre-injector Linac for e- 200 MeV Laser DC gun Polarized e- Stacking cavity 2 GHz AMD 2 GHz
CLIC Main Beam Injector Complex Undulator based configuration IP e- Main Linac e+ Main Linac e- BC2 e+ BC2 12 GHz 3.5 km 12 GHz 12 GHz, 100 MV/m, 21 km 9 GeV 48 km 3 TeV Undulator based configuration Booster Linac 6.14 GeV 4 GHz e+ BC1 4 GHz e- BC1 4 GHz 2.86 GeV 2.86 GeV e+ DR e- DR Long transfer line polarized e+ polarized e- e+ PDR e- PDR 2.86 GeV 2.86 GeV Spin rotator Spin rotator Injector Linac 2.66 GeV 2 GHz Auxiliary source e-/e+ Target Pre-injector e+ Linac 200 MeV Pre-injector e- Linac 200 MeV Laser Thermionic e- gun Primary e- Beam Linac 200 MeV DC gun Polarized e- 2 GHz AMD 2 GHz 2 GHz
CLIC Injector Complex In the reality of the CERN Prevessin site Transfer line for e- Main linac Transfer line for e+ Damping Rings N. Baddams & J. Osborne The red border is the limit of the CERN site The axis of the Injector Complex is parallel to the axis of the Main Linacs
Base Line configuration Foot print for the injector complex CERN Prevessin site 20th January 2010 Base Line configuration Linac tunnel (incl. e+ source) Linac tunnel (incl. bunch compressor) 750 m 350 m e+ PDR & DR Injector Linac Primary e- Beam Linac 50 m Booster Linac 5 m 450 m 250 m 50 m 300 m 3 m Pre-injector e- Linac 50 m e- PDR & DR Zoom e-/g Target 2 GHz g/e+ AMD Pre-injector e+ Linac 200 MeV To injector linac RF deflectors
e- Damping Ring e+ Damping Ring Transfer lines to the PDR e- Damping Ring e+ transfer line Injector linac e- Pre-damping Ring e+ Pre-damping Ring 2.86 GeV e- transfer line e+ Damping Ring Y. Papaphilippou
Primary electron beam Linac Unpolarized e+ source e- e- 5 GeV e- Dipole Primary electron beam Linac e+ g crystal amorphous e+ B(z) (Gauss) B(z)= Bo/(1+az) a = 22 m-1 The AMD (Adiabatic Matching Device) transforms the initial emittance with large angles and small dimensions into an emittance with small angles and large dimensions => easier to capture and transport Bs Z (cm)
Flux concentrator Development BINP and KEK T. Kamitani / KEK
CLIC based Compton Ring e+ PDR and Accumulator ring Polarized photons => polarized e+ e+ DR 2.86 GeV Compton Ring: E = 1.06 GeV C = 46.8 m 2.86 GeV e+ PDR and Accumulator ring Injection RF gun Drive Linac 1 GeV Injector Linac 2.66 GeV 2 GHz Compton ring 2 GHz g/e+ Target Pre-injector Linac for e+ 200 MeV g Stacking cavity YAG Laser 2 GHz Extraction
CLIC Compton ERL Polarized gamma => polarized e+ Sophisticated injection/extraction systems N of stack (same bucket) = 2003 CLIC requires 4.4 x 109 e+/ bunch 50 Hz Linac (if necessary) 4.4x109 e+/bunch 4.2x109 e+/bunch
Time [ ms ] ERL (CW) SR1 (25Hz) SR2 (25Hz) PDR (50Hz) DR (50Hz) Timing chart Time [ ms ] 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 ERL (CW) to SR1 to SR1 to SR1 to SR1 to SR2 to SR2 to SR2 SR1 (25Hz) stack damp stack damp stack damp stack to PDR to PDR to PDR SR2 (25Hz) stack damp stack damp stack damp to preDR to preDR to preDR from SR1 from SR1 from SR1 from SR2 from SR2 from SR2 PDR (50Hz) DR (50Hz)
Alphabetic order for countries Collaborations for the CLIC Main Beam Generation studies Alphabetic order for countries Countries Institutes Collaborators Subject France LAL I. Chaikovska, O. Dadoun, F. Poirier, A. Variola e+ studies IPNL X. Artru, R. Chehab, M. Chevallier, V. Stakhovenko Channeling studies Germany FZR Rossendorf J. Teichert Compton sources Japan Hiroshima Uni. M. Kuriki, T. Takahashi Experiments at KEKB KEK T. Kamitani, T. Omori, J. Urakawa Turkey Uludag University E. Eroglu, A. Kenan Çiftçi, E. Pilicer, I.Tapan FLUKA simulations Ukraine Kharkov Institute E. Bulyak, P. Gladkikh Compton Rings United Kingdom Cockcroft Institute I. Bailey, J. Clarke, L. Zang Undulator e+ studies USA ANL W. Gai, W. Liu BNL I. Pogorelski, V. Yakimenko Compton Linac JLAB M.Poelker DC gun for polarized e- SLAC A. Brachmann, T. Maryama, J. Sheppard, F. Zhou Polarized e- sources