CAD/PAD Contracting: Past, Present, and Future Shauna Lyon - Biography provided Shauna Lyon Contracting Section Chief , CAD/PAD Hill AFB, UT 19 April 2017 FINAL Approved: Case Number 75ABW-2017-0012 Approved for Public Release. Distribution Statement A: distribution unlimited
Overview Past Contracting at Hill AFB Issues and Impact Present Sole Source IDIQs Sources Sought Synopsis (SSS) – What/Why/How Future Competitive/Multiple Award IDIQs New Programs New Sources Past – Since Last CAD/PAD Summit 2015 Present – Current Year 2017 Future – 2017, 2018 and Beyond FINAL Approved: Case Number 75ABW-2017-0012 Approved for Public Release. Distribution Statement A: distribution unlimited
Past Contracting at Hill AFB: Changes Since last CAD/PAD Summit (2015) Set-up Contractor POC/Focus teams Improved our responsiveness Increased Contracting Team Communication Increased Response from Contracting Team (Pre-Award/Post-Award) Improved communication with Team (Contractor, DCMA, Program) Site Visits to Contractors Moved from Tactical buying to more Strategic Mindset Contracting at Hill is now set-up with a Main Point of Contact (Buyer/CO) for each contractor, as we get new contractors we would set up a POC. I believe this is improving the Responsiveness of the Government team. (back-up Slide) The Gov’n team visited most of the contractors sites. I believe this may have been the first visit for PK to many of these sites. We will continue to build on this. Over the last few years my team has been combining packages, or years requirements to work through the backlog. We have improved the obligation status for the program team, we still have work to do. Need continued feedback if the Contractors see issues. Discussions about sole source IDIQs. FINAL Approved: Case Number 75ABW-2017-0012 Approved for Public Release. Distribution Statement A: distribution unlimited
Past Issues Impacts Late Proposal responses Incomplete Proposal packages Lack of Competition Late Deliveries Impacts Out of cycle maintenance Possible degraded system performance Possible aircraft groundings Lost profit opportunity due to decreased out-year requirements Highest Level of Life Extensions/Increased Stock shortages In the last presentation we discussed the impact of late proposals, late awards, life extensions, Impact to contractor. Direct impacts are reduced requirements and loss of CAD/PAD funding. FINAL Approved: Case Number 75ABW-2017-0012 Approved for Public Release. Distribution Statement A: distribution unlimited
Present Sole Source IDIQs: Launched Seven Awarded Two On Target award for five remaining NLT 30 Sept 2017 Improve responsiveness for FY17 requirements & beyond Increased Funds Obligation Greatly reduce acquisition lead-time SSS (Source Sought Synopsis), Market Research, etc. What is a SSS? Why does the Government post a SSS? How is industry to respond? We have now launched strategic contracting for CAD/PAD. The first phase is Sole Source IDIQs. This will Increased Funds Obligation (Lower risk of losing funds). It will improve follow-on requirements and keep pipeline filled with requirements. Keep production moving. If contractors are interested in becoming qualified sources for a current sole source item. The government will always support, and adjust the IDIQs as needed. Market research is a required part of every acquisition FAR Part 10, one tool is the SSS Sources Sought Synopsis (sources sought notices when using J&A authority FAR 6.302-1) What should Contractors do when they see SSS postings: review and if it is something they are qualified on or can support or want to become a qualified source for respond to the SSS with the gradual detail of what they are, or will be taking action to support and how long it may require to become a qualified source. A general over arching response can cause frustration on both sides. We take all response seriously and are required to close the loop to move to a sole source action. (DFARS PGI 206.3) FINAL Approved: Case Number 75ABW-2017-0012 Approved for Public Release. Distribution Statement A: distribution unlimited
Present Issues/Impact Pre-Award Issues: Timely Proposal response (Sole Source/Competitive) Incomplete Sole Source Proposal No Bids/Late bids for Competitive Acquisitions Communication Negative PASS results Post-Award Issues: Late deliveries Submitting RFVs/Waivers GFP Sole Source (Cost detail, Certificate of price, SB Plans, Timeliness, Checklist) No Bids for Competitive (On-time proposal, Lack of competition) GFP Tracking Communication New Attachments (Grab attachment) Pre-Award Issues: Timely Proposal response (Sole Source/Competitive): Discussions with each contractor what is a reasonable time frame for Sole Source based on dollar amounts. Notify government early if you need more time. Complete Sole Source Proposal (ensure we get complete packages MP5315.4 (a), cost break down details, Certificates of pricing, Subcontracting plans, Proposal Adequacy Checklist filled out completely DFARS 252.215-7009) No Bids for Competitive Acquisitions ( the impact of a competitive bid going into a sole source action) - causes major delays for both parties. Communication Responsiveness some items are for Fact Finding responses, Negotiations responses, Final Award Small Business Plan or Final Negotiated Certificate of Cost documents, and the signature of Award. Also, bring up changes at time of signature not during the solicitation phase or at proposal (Assumptions) Negative PASS results. Post-Award Issues: Late deliveries: result in temporary life extensions and could reduce future requirements if temporary life extension become more permanent life extensions. Submitting RFVs/Waivers GFP – Controlling amounts and communication of changes. High visibility, monitoring. FINAL Approved: Case Number 75ABW-2017-0012 Approved for Public Release. Distribution Statement A: distribution unlimited
Future Competitive Multiple Award IDIQs Second Sources where applicable New Programs F22 F35 ICBM Competition New Qualified Sources Refreshing Current Qualified Sources Continue Strategic Contracts Re-Evaluate after freeing up resources with Sole Source IDIQ. For each potential Competitive Multiple Award IDIQ – during Market research phase work with Industry by doing draft reviews or industry day type activities. This will not be in a bubble. The concept is to re-engage the qualified sources. Increase competitive environment, Improved our responsiveness, Improved our Funding Obligations. Government will be looking to second source items that are currently only supported by one qualified source. (If the government has data or can obtain the data) We have new programs we are supporting and engaging industry on: F22, F35, ICBM. We need to streamline, improve funding obligations, improve delivery times, improve responsiveness. FINAL Approved: Case Number 75ABW-2017-0012 Approved for Public Release. Distribution Statement A: distribution unlimited
Summary Past Present Future Contracting at Hill AFB Issues and the Impact Present Sole Source IDIQs Sources Sought Synopsis (SSS) – What/Why/How Issues and Impact Future Competitive/Multiple Award IDIQs New Programs New Sources FINAL Approved: Case Number 75ABW-2017-0012 Approved for Public Release. Distribution Statement A: distribution unlimited
FINAL Approved: Case Number 75ABW-2017-0012 Approved for Public Release. Distribution Statement A: distribution unlimited 9
Back-Up Hill PK POCs FINAL Approved: Case Number 75ABW-2017-0012 Approved for Public Release. Distribution Statement A: distribution unlimited