Elements of Literature 9th English
Plot Plot is the story itself A series of unrelated events like links in a chain Each event hooks our curiosity and pulls us forward to the next event
Conflict: The Fuel of the Narrative Conflict: disagreements or struggles throughout stories External conflict: the struggle takes place between two characters, between a character and a group, or between a character and something nonhuman Internal conflict: a struggle that takes place in a character’s mind or heart
Parts of a Plot 1. Exposition: opening of the story when characters and conflicts are introduced 2. Complications: these are extra problems characters encounter when trying to solve the main conflict 3. Climax: the key scene in the story, where the tense and exciting action occurs
Parts of a Plot 4. Resolution (denouement): occurs at the end of the story, where all the struggles are over and we know what will happen to the characters
Timing Chronological order: most stories occur in real time, unfolding from beginning to the end Flashback: a story that goes back and revisits events that have already taken place that are influencing current events
Timing Flash-forward: a story jumps ahead of the present by minutes, hours, days, or even years Foreshadowing: hints or clues that suggest what is going to come or happen in the story