Presentation of the health pole Philippe Laniece (IMNC) P2IO Scientific Council , June 27-28 2012
Adequation of the health pole in P2IO and main challenges Historical tradition of physics Increasing societal needs + interdisciplinarity challenges Example: major research center such as Brookhaven (BNL), Berkeley (LBL), Jefferson Lab 348 | VOL.8 NO.4 | APRIL 2011 | nature methods In that context, two specific/technological challenges related to nuclear physics field are at this time expected: Increasing the sensitivity and resolution of molecular imaging (multimodal imaging) Improving methods for radiation therapy (accelerators, dose calculations, modeling)
P2IO strengths in the domain Good interdisciplinary research = monodisciplinary excellence + bridging disciplinary gaps P2IO combines outstandingly these assets 3 pillars Oncology World class skills and specific know how Preclinical and Clinical local facilities ➙ accelerators ➙ detectors ➙ cryogenics ➙ computing ➙ space techniques Neuroscience Interfaces National and International Preclinical and Clinical Centers
Main projects in which P2IO labs are involved in terms of know-how and applications
Main projects in which P2IO labs are involved Specific Staff: 50 Technical staff: 30
P2IO actions for health theme CaLIPSO: new generation of PET scanner dedicated to neurological imaging Aims: Improve the sensitivity and resolution of PET scanner Develop a new dynamic imaging tool dedicated to neuroscience Propose an alternative to PET detection for in vivo monitoring in hadrontherapy Expected performances: sensitivity 10 %, spatial resolution 1 mm, high solid angle Preliminary module of the Calispo detector double detection: Signal: Scintillation trigger et timing Signal: Ionisation Energy measurement and 3D Position Photodetector (trigger and timing) Scintillating photons metal pixels deposit (stable metal) and conception of resistive layer by implantation simulation of CaLIPSO detector (plateform GATE) Ionizing chamber Pixelated plan dedicated to charge collection TMBi
Conclusion Aims Means Actions Explore : biological issues: specific neurophysiological and neuropathological mechanisms clinical issues: new strategies for cancer treatment and therapy Means Transform : scientific and technical high level knowledges and skills of P2IO physics for supporting health care Actions Structure : see perspectives
Actions Short-term priorities 2012-2014 Long-term priorities 2012-2017 Support in unifying local projects: Calipso, SipMed, … Develop an operational network: introduction of the first ‘health center’ workshop strongly connected to the local biomedical facilities Involvement in french biomedical facilities and networks: « Infrastructures Nationales en Biologie et Santé »: France Life Imaging and France Hadron, GDR Long-term priorities 2012-2017 promotion of unifying local projects: support of 1 project/year Consolidation of the health pole network with biomedical platforms Organisation of a dedicated conference (national or international) integration to the physics-medicine Idex framework: support to the ‘health pole vallée’ project