Project Tracking Web Innovations 2017
Tired of Tracking Projects Like This? The CHAMPS Project Tracking Module gathers transaction details and tracks the financial aspects of a wide variety of projects, including capital projects, engineering projects, cost-sensitive projects, etc. Project Tracking makes it possible to capture, analyze, and report on the financial impact of projects.
Integration Touchpoints WO AP PO PR PT MR INV TC Project Tracking is integrated with other CHAMPS modules, including Accounts Payable, Purchase Orders, Purchase Requests, Material Requests, Inventory, Timecard and Work Orders.
How Does Project Tracking Benefit You? Your already using it. How does PT Benefit You?
The Two Forms of Project Tracking Simple Enhanced
Simple Project Tracking Keep Track of Project Costs Summary Add Edit Project tab Associated WO’s tab PT-003 - Well Pump Overhaul
Enhanced Project Tracking Connects Cost Accumulating Records Provides Visual Threshold Cues Emails Project Planners PT-008 - Upgrade 8" Steam Header Valves
Enhanced Project Tracking Summary Add Edit Project tab Associated Task(s) tab Costs tab Preferences Cost Adjustment Planners PT-004 - Repave Parking Zones A – E (for multi-task proj.)
Associated Task(s) Tab Transactions Time Cards Parts Movements Manual Cost Adjustment Linked Documents Work Orders Material Request Purchase Requests Purchase Orders
Cost Tab Values FIELD DEFINITIONS Estimated Material Total entered Estimated Material on Capital / Expense Tasks. Labor Total entered Estimated Labor on Capital / Expense Tasks. Contract Total entered Estimated Contract on Capital / Expense Tasks. Actual Accumulated Inventory transactions (Issues and Returns) related to the Project Task and its associated Work Orders. This column also contains material costs that have been entered on the Project Tracking Cost Adjustment window. Accumulated Timecard labor costs related to the Project Task and its associated Work Orders. This column also contains Labor costs entered on the Project Tracking Cost Adjustment window. The accumulated value of PO Line Items with non-Receivable SKUs related to the Project Task and its associated Work Orders. This column also contains contract costs entered on the Project Tracking Cost Adjustment window. Committed Costs / Open Remaining MR Total cost of non-Cancelled Material Request that remain to be Issued. Approved PR Total cost of Purchase Request detail lines having an Open, Hold or Quote status. Open PO Total cost of Open status Purchase Order Line Items that have yet to be received, related to Receivable SKUs. Open Contract Total cost of Open status, non-Receivable PO Line Items yet to be transferred to an AP Voucher. Open Labor Total cost of entered and submitted Timecards that have yet to be Approved. Open Adj Matl Total cost of Open status, Material-type Adjustment Costs. Remaining Remaining = Estimated – Actual – Committed. The project planner can be notified via email by the Cost Recalculation process when the remaining amount falls below the designated notification amount.
Cost Tab Values - Transactions
Cost Tab Values - Linked Documents