Developing Goals and Objectives Goal = broad statement of desired end Objective = specific description of outcome or activity needed to reach a goal Behavioral obj. = statement of expected behavior after intervention Process obj. = statement of actions, methods, strategies to produce behavior or outcome objective
Objectives must be: specific measurable action-oriented
Use action-oriented verbs Match the objective with the outcome desired psychomotor cognitive affective
Bloom’s Taxonomy of the Cognitive Domain Knowledge of specifics of ways of dealing with specifics of universals and abstractions Comprehension translation interpretation extrapolation Application Analysis of elements of relationships of organizational principles Synthesis production of communication production of a plan derivation of abstract relations Evaluation
Taxonomy of the Psychomotor Domain Perception Sensory stimulation Cue selection Translation from idea to movement Preparedness (set) Mental set Physical set Emotional set Guided response Imitation Trial and error Complex overt response Resolution of uncertainty Automatic performance Adaptation (to new situation) Origination (of new skills)
Bloom’s Taxonomy of the Affective Domain Receiving Awareness Willingness to receive Selected attention Responding Agreement to respond Willingness to respond Satisfaction in response Valuing Acceptance of a value Preference for a value Commitment Organization Conceptualization of a value Organization of a value system Characterization by a value
Writing Objectives A is for audience B is for behavior who is acting? B is for behavior what should occur? C is for conditions under what circumstances? D is for degree how much/how often…? E is for evaluation how to measure?