By: Quonias Hudson & Nicole Godfrey Bloom’s Taxonomy By: Quonias Hudson & Nicole Godfrey
The Three Types Of Learning Benjamin Bloom identified three domains of educational activities: Cognitive Affective Psychomotor
Cognitive Mental skills (Knowledge) The six major categories of the cognitive domain are: knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.
Affective Growth in feelings or emotional areas (Attitude) The five major categories of the affective domain are: receiving phenomena, responding to phenomena, valuing, organization, and internalizing values.
Psychomotor Manual or physical skills (Skills) The seven major categories of the psychomotor domain are: perception, set, guided response, mechanism, complex overt response, adaptations, and origination.
Relevance to Technology The various forms of technology ensure that each students learning style is met; because not every student learns in the same manner.
Recommendations for Technology Integration Cognitive- concept mapping with Inspiration or Kidspirtation, online puzzles or games Affective- do group or independent presentations using various technology equipment Psychomotor- using any type of classroom technology in an affective manner