Sign up front for how we need them set up and what we need them to have (pens, a bit of space? a partner maybe)


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Presentation transcript:

sign up front for how we need them set up and what we need them to have (pens, a bit of space? a partner maybe)

This is a focusing stage

reframe point of view Reframe into a NEW Point of View. The goal is to reframe the problem in a UNIQUE & CONCISE WAY, GROUNDED IN INSIGHTS FROM YOUR USERS.

point of view: what? a unique, concise reframing of the problem that is grounded in user needs & insights

all kinds of dirty, one kind of clean squeaky green

point of view: why? expose new opportunities by looking at things differently guide innovation efforts make sure we’ve identified something worth working on

point of view: how? understand the experience identify user, reveal the needs, articulate insights reframe the problem into a new point of view

point of view: how? understand the experience identify user, reveal the needs, articulate insights reframe the problem into a new point of view •

(embrace video)

What is a point of view

point of view: how? understand the experience identify user, reveal the needs, articulate insights reframe the problem into a new point of view •

point of view: components user be specific need use verbs insight observation + interpretation

point of view: components user babies in rural areas need immediate warmth in early hours insight bring warmth to the babies

part 1: saturate • understand the experience identify user, reveal the needs, articulate insights  reframe the problem into a new point of view •

space saturation

part 1: saturate methods understand the experience share stories identify user, reveal the needs, articulate insights grouping : empathy maps reframe the problem into a new point of view

what we feel the user is feeling > quotes & defining words thoughts & beliefs actions & behaviors feelings & emotions < what we see & hear what we feel the user is feeling >

part 1: saturate timing understand the experience 15 min share stories identify user, reveal the needs, articulate insights 10 min empathy maps: grouping reframe the problem into a new point of view

part 2: synthesize understand the experience : share stories identify user, reveal the needs, articulate insights reframe the problem into a new point of view •

point of view: construction has empathetic language about the user (think specific) identifies a need that is deep & emotional (think verb) incorporates unexpected insights (think observation + interpretation)

A wellness-conscious, Zen-seeking woman needs POV Example: User – be specific. Need – use a verb. Insight – include something unexpected/a surprise. A wellness-conscious, Zen-seeking woman needs to see a link between a product and the process that created it because for her imperfections are visual indicators of purity

point of view: tips short specific sexy

part 2: synthesis methods understand the experience : share stories identify user, reveal the needs, articulate insights reframe the problem into a new point of view identify & synthesize + mad lib iterations

synthesize: how?

identify patterns

isolate outliers

create composites

part 2: synthesize mad-lib user need insight

part 2: synthesize mad-lib user need insight

part 2: synthesize mad-lib ...BECAUSE... …NEEDS... user need insight

Insight – include something unexpected / a surprise. POV Example: User – be specific. Need – use a verb. Insight – include something unexpected / a surprise. A wellness-conscious, Zen-seeking woman needs to see a link between a product and the process that created it because for her imperfections are visual indicators of purity. Recommended timing: Each individual creates 2 user descriptions, 2 needs, and 2 insights (10 min) Share and compare (5 min) Construct POV as a group (10 min)