This is the stories of how my Great- Great- Great- Great Grandfather and his family arrived in America. On the mask of the ship is the translated diary entry of my Great Great Great Great Grandfather, John Wendel Mohr, trip from Germany to America in 1853. My Great Great Great Grandmother Margaret Mohr Scheffler was 6 years old on this trip. Fredrick August Scheffler and his two brothers each loaded everything they owned into a big trunk. To avoid being drafted in the German army, the story goes “ they floated out on their trunks until picked up by a ship headed for America.” This trip was made in 1858 Fredrick bought the 82 acre farm. He married Margaret Mohr in 1873. They had 3 children and the only son my Great Great Grandfather, Fredrick William Scheffler. He married Anna Marie Kirschbaun. They had three children. The youngest was my great Grandfather Carl Fredrick Scheffler pictured below with his sister Margaret Scheffler. The farm when Anna Marie after Fredrick Scheffler passed away, then onto Margaret Scheffler. The farm is now owned by my Grandmother,, Carol Wells, and her brother Carl Roger Sheffler. Thisfarm has been in our family for 141 years. My sister and I loved to run around on the farm when we were young. Today the house owned by a distant cousin of mine.
Where are you from?