Tamara Lookabaugh Moore High School Chemistry 2017 Chapter 5 Electron Configuration Energy Levels, sublevels and orbital Notes Tamara Lookabaugh Moore High School Chemistry 2017
DAY ONE: October 3 Where are the electrons? How do you know how many electrons are in an element and WHERE are they? LOOK at your periodic table How many electrons for a CARBON atom? How do you know?
How do you read this? Write this on your periodic table Atomic Number = # protons # of p always = # e Symbol for Element Name for the Element Atomic mass unit Average of all the Isotope masses x their percent abundance
Electron Energy Level Notes Electrons do not travel around the nucleus of an atom in orbits They are found in energy levels at different distances away from the nucleus. (kind of like shells or layers).
Electron Energy Level Notes There are 7 energy levels write these on your periodic table.(they correspond to the horizontal rows known as periods.) There are at least 4 possible types of sublevels—given labels: s, p, d, or f
Periodic Table write the levels 1-7 on your periodic table 2 3 4 5 6 7
Energy levels and number of electrons maximum that can be found in that shell or ring. PLEASE DRAW this in your notes
s,p,d,f blocks—Periodic Table mark these on your table using the next slide
Mark the s,p,d,f blocks on your chart like this 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Electron Energy Level 1 In each energy level, electrons fill sublevels in a certain order Level 1: only has one s sublevel (a spherical shape) 2 electrons may fit in this sublevel--each has an opposite “spin”, *Pauli exclusion principle—no more than 2 electrons may be found in the same orbital S Orbitals
Electron Energy Level 2 Level 2 has two sublevels: s and p 2 electrons in s 3 different p orbitals —2 electrons in each 8 electrons overall in Level 2
Electron Energy Level 3 Level 3: has 3 sublevels: s, p, and d 2 electrons in s 6 electrons in p 5 different d orbitals, and 2 electrons can fit in each—total of 10. total of 18 electrons in level 3 Electron Energy Level 3
Each energy sublevel relates to orbitals of different shape.
Electron Energy Level 4 Level 4: has 4 sublevels: s, p, d , and f 2 electrons in s 6 electrons in p 10 electrons in d 14 electrons in f (7 different orbitals for f) total of 32
Watch this Video link to practice electron Bohr models
Day one assignment: Receive a Periodic Table Worksheet and draw Bohr Diagrams for the six elements listed on back of your worksheet DUE tomorrow Aluminum Nitrogen Neon Chlorine Calcium Zinc
Electron Energy Level Notes Day 2 October 4 The order that electrons fill up orbitals does not follow the logical order of all 1’s, then all 2’s, then all 3’s, etc. Just like in a hotel, guests don’t always fill up all rooms and floors the same way. They follow the order found on pg. 156.
Order in which subshells are filled with electrons follows the pattern below 2 2 6 2 6 2 10 6 2 10 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 4s 3d 4p 5s 4d …
Ground-State Electron Configuration The arrangement of electrons in the atom is called the electron configuration. The aufbau principle states that each electron occupies the lowest energy orbital available. This is an AUFBAU diagram
Order of Orbitals—Periodic Table For the d block n-1 For the f block n-2
Hotel analogy video These are 4 levels each Showing the possible Sublevels available to be Filled with electrons p d s f p s d s p s
Electron Energy Level Notes An easy way to remember this is to use the periodic table--it is arranged to show how these orbitals are filled.
How do you write Electron Configurations? Watch this video to see how to write the correct ORDER of how the shells fill from level, sublevel and orbital. NOW it is YOUR TURN to PRACTICE: Receive handout on Electron configuration to complete and turn in tomorrow.