Mrs. Hake’s Friday, Sept. 29th edition CLASSROOM 2017-2018 news Week in Review: Sneak Preview This week we learned letters Tt & Ii. We read poems about shapes, looked for shapes around the classroom, and on the playground. We made shapes in shaving cream, and using licorice. We also loved using shapes to create pictures. This week we worked with colors, too. We read White Rabbit’s Color Book and used paint to make all the colors of the rainbow. We loved using red, yellow, and blue play dough to make new colors. This introduced us to the addition sign, the equal sign, and the concept of equations. Theme for the Week: Apples Letter of the Week: Hh & Bb Math: 3D shapes Rainbow Word: said & like Sci/S.S. Lifecyle of an Apple Show & Tell: Bring in something that begins with the letter Hh or Bb for Friday, October 6th. Upcoming Events: Thursday, October 5th – Picture Day Friday, October 6th – PIE Movie Night @ 6:30 P.M. “Under the Stars” October 9th –13th Grandparent Lunch Week Thursday, October 12th – Brumbaugh Farms Field Trip Friday, October 20th – Pretzel Day Friday, October 27th – No School (Teacher In-Service) Tuesday, October 31st – Halloween Party – more info to come Contact info: Kari Hake 937-667-2275
Brumbraugh Farms Field Trip apples Brumbraugh Farms Field Trip Please send in a red, green, or yellow apple in with your child by October 5th. We will be doing an activity with the apples, and they will be our snack for the day. Our first Kindergarten field trip will be on Thursday, October 12th. The field trip will be during regular kindergarten hours. We are going to Brumbaugh Farms to learn about apples and pumpkins. Our field trip will coordinate perfectly with our units on these topics. Our district is paying for our field trip; therefore there is no cost for students. This helps to cover each student’s experience at Brumbaugh Farms including, receiving a pumpkin, apple, hayride, and playing in the outdoor area. Please dress your child appropriately for this day. We will NOT return to school for lunch, therefore each child will need a sack lunch. You have the option to pack a lunch for your child OR purchase a lunch through our school cafeteria. You received a green paper about this. If you prefer to pack your child’s lunch please use all disposable items as we will not return with lunch boxes, containers, water bottles, etc. Make flashcards to have your child recognize numbers 0-20 Play “I spy” with shapes and colors at home or in the car Number, Letter and Shape Practice Try writing in shaving cream Write it with marker and have your child trace it Keep Reading! Rainbow WORDS Trace, cut, practice: said like