ACE Program Ninth Grade
Shout Outs! To: Nyjae West From: Remy and Tejai Strength: Kindness Description: She is just so kind to me it warms my heart lol Shout Outs! To: Sean Martin From: Ms. Blackert Strength: Persistence Description: did a great job with Cyclops! To: Nakiyah and Haley From: Rachell-Angelie Dawang Strength: Kindness Description: Being good friends To: YK Rem Rem From: YK won won Strength: kindness, citizenship Description: for helping me keep my head up To: Kali, Raymond, Jabes, and Carson From: Mrs. Mintzes Strength: Persistence Description: Attempting difficult homework assignment To: Dawan James From: Ms. Blackert Strength: Kindness Description: For giving Remy a dollar. To: Imani Addison From: Ms. Blackert Strength: Persistence Description: On time and working hard on her drill! To: Janae Smalls From: Ms. Renzi Strength: kindness Description: Helping me in math class To: Tykera Burroughs From: Ms. Renzi Strength: kindness Description: Helping me in math class.
Shout Outs! To: Amaya Southall From: Mrs. Hamilton Strength: Persistence Description: Always being willing to ask for help! Shout Outs! To: Michael Jackson From: Mrs. Hamilton Strength: Persistence Description: For coming to coach class and bringing up his grade!! To: Navdeep Kaur From: Mrs. Hamilton Strength: Kindness Description: Always saying hi to me in the morning and offering to help me before class starts. To: YK Rock From: Dawan James Strength: Kindness Description: For being a good man To: From: Strength: Description: To: Greg Beadles From: Mrs. Hamilton Strength: Persistence Description: For coming to coach class. To: Raymond Brewer From: Ms. Nwogbo Strength: Kindness Description: Volunteering holding the door after evacuation for peers to enter class. To: Rachaell Dawang From: Nakiyah Nesmith Strength: Kindness Description: Helped me with my work when I didn’t ask and nobody knew. To: Cecelia Whye From: Ms. Renzi Strength: Kindness Description: Always smiling and saying hello in the hallway
Shout Outs! To: Boris Akwo From: Ms. Lowman Strength: kindness Description: putting away someone else's textbook Shout Outs! To: Boris Akwo and Desire' Smallwood From: Ms. Lowman Strength: kindness Description: for wishing me well. To: Mod B1 From: Ms. Lowman Strength: social intelligence Description: working together on their posters to prepare for a biome gallery walking and staying very focused To: Kate Glendon From: Ms. Lowman Strength: for kindness, social intelligence, and persistence Description: in her communication with me, in focusing despite numerous distractions, for setting the tone and modeling excellent student choices! To: Desmond Pollard From: Ms. Lowman Strength: Kindness Description: loaning a pencil to another student very quietly and without any disruption To: Christian Harrison From: Ms. Lowman Strength: kindness Description: expressing her appreciation of me.
Shout Outs! To: Anthony Jackson From: Ms. Nwogbo Strength: Persistence Description: Great job with review before test during warm-up! Shout Outs! To: Garrett Larrimore From: Ms.Nowgbo Strength: Social Intelligence Description: Always being respectful to others and being a good friend in need. To: Juwaun Baylor From: Ms. Nwogbo Strength: Persistence Description: working staying on task and completing class assignment during instruction. To: Kali Smoot From: Ms. Nwogbo Strength: Kindness Description: Always polite, and saying thank you. To: Ahryanna Hayes From: Ms. Nwogbo Strength: Social Intelligence Description: Doing a great job as a role model in class and on top of her work! To: Davonte Johnson, Rachell Dawang, Carson Montgomery, Jasmine Harper, Marcos Portillo, Tykera Burroughs. From: Ms. Nwogbo Strength: Social intelligence & Persistence Description: Being focused, on task, and participating so actively in instruction despite classmates’ distractions. To: Garrett Larrimore From: Ms. Nwogbo Strength: Kindness & Citizenship Description: Volunteering picking up calculators, returning and arranging them in the bag. Very polite and caring young man, asks after my day, and how my lunch time was.
Shout Outs! To: Charisma Moon From: Ms. Nwogbo Strength: Social Intelligence & Persistence Description: Awesome character strength! Being proactive, coming after school to inquire and to get missed assignments during absences; following up with request for help when she met with difficult completing it. Came to coach for help. Shout Outs! To: Angelica Rovinski From: Ms. Nwogbo Strength: Kindness & Citizenship Description: Always supportive to peers and willing to volunteer her services for the success of the class as whole. To: Reed Logan From: Ms. Nwogbo Strength: Kindness Description: Agreeing to take work to the office for a student. To: Maurice Williams From: Ms. Renzi Strength: Persistence Description: Working hard in math class To: Kweli Battle From: Ms. Renzi Strength: Citizenship, Kindness Description: Helping another student (and me!) in math class To: Alejabdra Funez Strength: Kindness & Citizenship Description: Awesome job in remediating a peer to catch-up after her absence. The peer was very successful afterwards with her understanding and completing her assignment by herself.
Put them in Ms. Renzi’s mailbox in the front office. Shout Outs! Submit yours for next week! They can be from… Student to student Student to teacher Teacher to student Teacher to Teacher Pick up Shout Out forms from your Math, Science, English or American Government teacher. Put them in Ms. Renzi’s mailbox in the front office.
Club Activity Booklet Now available! Ask your teacher to look at a copy. Contains information about all of the club and athletic activities available here at the O. Teachers: See email from Ms. Chung
Binder Checks November 30, and December 1 After Thanksgiving break Math classes
Thanksgiving! Who are you thankful for? Write a quick note to someone you appreciate this week! Be sure to hand deliver it to that person – it will make their day, and yours!
Dear Class of 2020, I am still getting to know many of you, but I am very thankful for how you have embraced our ninth grade initiatives at Overlea. I love that you write shout-outs to one another. I really enjoyed going to Towson with you. And thanks for helping me out when I’m in your classes. I love learning with you in your classes. As you know, I teach mostly seniors. When I see you in class, it reminds me of when my seniors were freshmen – and now they are making exciting plans for college. It won’t be long! I see so much potential in your class. You are going to do great things over the next four years. Ms. Renzi
Come out and support the O! Show your Overlea pride and citizenship!
Shout Outs! To: From: Strength: Description. To: From: Strength: To: From: Strength: Description: To: From: Strength: Description: