Minnesota Points of Emphasis We will now shift our focus to points of emphasis for Minnesota 1
Continued Emphasis on Rough Play The committee of coaches and officials who developed last year’s emphasis met again last spring Complete consensus that we are doing the right thing We made a lot of progress!! Last year we had a major emphasis on hand checking and rough post play. The committee of coaches and officials that met prior to last year, met again last spring. There was complete consensus that what we did last year was the right thing to do, and that we need to keep working on this emphasis. continued …
When a player impedes or displaces it is a foul. Remember . . . Key Words are: IMPEDE DISPLACE When a player impedes or displaces it is a foul. There are two key words – impede and displace. Any time a player impedes or displaces an opponent it is a foul. That does not mean that any touch is a foul. Touching and impeding are not he same – but there does not need to be much contact in order to impede an opponent. ?? Although not always true, players will impede more often on the perimeter; while displacement will most often take place during post play.
Hand Check “Touch and play” Cannot keep hand on continuously Hand check when player is moving = foul Call these fouls early and often and players will adjust. Still must use good judgment! Hand checking rules are the same as last year – touch and play. Any time the hand is continuously kept on an opponent or when the hand repeatedly contacts the opponent, there is a foul. If a hand is placed on a player as they move toward the basket, a foul has occurred. Officials must still used good judgment when calling fouls -- especially when a player is not moving toward the basket – not every touch is a foul.
Hand Check A foul must be called, regardless of where it happens on the court, when a player: - Continuously places a hand on an opponent - Places two hands on an opponent - Continuously jabs a hand or forearm on an opponent Two hands placed on an opponent is automatically a foul. Continual jabs at an opponent is also illegal. Remember that these fouls can occur any place on the court, whether or not a player has the ball and that these rules apply equally to both the offense and defense. 5
Hand Check Arm Bar/Impede This pictures show an example of the defender using a hand check as her opponent drives toward the basket. She then uses an arm bar to further impede the offensive player. This is a foul – prior to the shot. Arm Bar/Impede 6
This play is another example of the defense impeding the offense with the use of an arm bar in the backcourt. The use of the forearm by the defender may keep the offense from beating them down the court. This foul must be called. Red Impedes White
3 Separate hand checks on same play – call the foul! This is another play that shows a player making contact three separate times on one trip up the court. In all three cases the contact was used to slow down or impede the offensive player. This is a distinct advantage to the defense -- this foul must be called.
On this play the defender first reaches across the body of the offensive player – the player than uses his knee to further impede the offensive player. When the defense reaches they are no longer in legal defensive position. Reach and Impede
Touch and Play – did not impede This is not a foul This play is an example where the defensive player touches the offense, but then removes his hand. He again touches the player, be he does not impede the offensive players movement and there is not continual or repeated touching. This call could be different if the offensive player is moving toward the basket. Touch and Play – did not impede This is not a foul
Hand-checking Defenders are not permitted to have hands on other offensive players away from the ball Contact is NOT incidental Offensive players are not permitted to use hands or body to push off and create space As stated hand checking can occur anywhere on the court against an opponent, whether or not they have the ball. Offensive players can also be guilty of hand checking, or impeding or displacing an opponent. Whether the foul is on the offense or defense depends on the position of the defense and who initiates contact. 11
Rough Post Play Key word is displacement If a player is displaced – a foul has occurred Types of displacement in post: - Offensive players backing down opponents - Defensive players moving opponents off a legally established spot on the floor Overall we did better on hand checking last year than we did with post play. We must do a better job of calling fouls in the post. When there is displacement caused by either player, there is a foul. Officials sometimes tend to call the second or third foul that occurs – work hard to call the first foul. 12
Post Play -- Change Adjustment in interpretation of forearm -- Bent forearm (90° angle at elbow) is now OK - if there is no displacement If forearm is extended there is displacement– call a foul This interpretation will be more acceptable to both coaches and officials. There is a change in the interpretation for rough post play. A player may use a forearm, without fouling, as long as the angle at the elbow is 90 degrees or less. If the forearm is extended beyond 90 degrees a foul has occurred. The rule better aligns with the interpretation used at other levels of play,
Player in dark displaces player in white In the play shown in these pictures. The offensive post player – in the dark uniform, repeatedly creates contact with her opponent. Twice pushing off with her shoulder in order to create space. There was displacement caused by the offensive player – she fouled multiple time on this play.
HOLDING These pictures show examples of holding in the post. In the top slide there are two examples of the defense (white) using their arms to impede and hold the offensive post player. These fouls were not called, which lead to more rough play by the player in red. IMPEDE
White Holding and Displacing White Displaces Black White Holding and Displacing This is another example where the defensive player gets displaces the offense – two times in short succession. Not calling these fouls leads to more rough play. Call the fouls early and set the proper tone for the game
Good Post Play – One arm bar OK This is an example of good post play – No more than one hand on the defender, bent elbow and no push off. Defense is not impeding nor displacing the offensive player. Once the offense receives the ball the defender removes his hands.
Reminders A post player may have one hand on the back of the defender – if the elbow is bent – once the elbow is locked there is a foul. A player may have his knee behind the offense – if the heel is lifted off of the floor there is a foul. You are reminded that a post player may have one hand on the back of a defender – as long as the elbow is bent. If the elbow is extended or if two hands are placed on an opponent a foul has been committed. One leg may be used to hold your position when behind a player, but if the heel comes off of the floor a foul has been committed.
Reminders Rules on displacement apply equally to offense and defense Once post receives the ball it’s touch and play – same rules as on the perimeter Impede or displace = foul All of the rules that we have just reviewed apply equally to both the offense and defense. Officials need to work for proper angles so that you know who initiates contact and whether or not the defense has established legal guarding position. Once a post player receives the ball the defense must play the same as on the perimeter – touch and play – no hand checking.
Rough Play: Contact on Loose Ball An addition to our emphasis, an additional emphasis from the NFHS is contact on a loose ball play. In this example the player on the right has fouled the player in white. The fact that the ball is loose does not give players the right to foul. 20
Rough Play – Loose-ball Contact A loose-ball situation is not consent for jumping on an opponent who is on the floor to create a held ball “Going for the ball” is not permission to take out or displace an opponent who is in a more advantageous position Incidental contact is permitted when players are in equally favorable positions Many times officials tend to leave the play go if the ball is loose and players are going for the ball. Players must not be allowed to gain an advantage by pushing, grabbing, holding or “piling on.” This is another situation, that when not called correctly will lead to more rough play. If a player displaces or impedes in a loose ball situation a foul must be called. 21
In this slide both players seem to have an equal opportunity to get to the loose ball. The contact that occurs is incidental – neither player is committing a foul. Incidental contact No foul
Displacement while going for loose ball Although it may be difficult to see, in this example the red player on the floor is displacing the player in white with his right arm as he goes for the loose ball. He holds and then grabs the player in white. This is a foul. Displacement while going for loose ball