Student Project by Daniela Cianci, OTS


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Presentation transcript:

Student Project by Daniela Cianci, OTS Mirror Therapy Student Project by Daniela Cianci, OTS

WHAT? V.S. Ramachandran, “Marco Polo of neuroscience” Neural mechanism Reconciling motor output & sensory feedback (Acerra, Souvlis, & Moseley, 2007) Mirror Neurons Visual Feedback Common Uses Phantom limb pain CRPS CVA 3rd stage of GMI Mirror therapy first described by V.S. Ramachandran who is considered to be the marco polo of neuroscience. MT is using the visual feedback of normal movement patterns in the nonaffected limb to “trick the brain” into perceiving normal movement patterns in the affected limb. The long-term effect of using MT is restructuring of the synapses in the brain so that the homunculus of the body is not distorted or disorganized As I was researching mirror therapy I was very interested in the neural mechanism that allows for this type of therapy to be effective. What I found was that it is generally agreed upon in the current literature that mirror neurons are responsible for the effectiveness of mirror therapy. Mirror neurons are the neurons that become excited during action observation; in other words, if I watch one of you scratch your left hand, the mirror neurons in my somatosensory cortices are firing. However, I am not receiving the sensory or motor feedback in my own body that says “your left hand is being scratched” and therefore, I know that I am only observing that action and the signal is “vetoed” so to speak so that I know that I am not in fact creating the action myself. This is the mechanism by which mirror therapy works for phantom limb pain. The patient observes relief of some sort to the missing limb via the mirror reflection of the in tact limb, and the combination of the visual input and the lack of contradicting sensory input is enough to trick the brain into feeling the relief in the phantom limb. In the case of neurorehabilitation for CVA, the visual stimuli provided by MT is stimulating to mirror neurons in the area of the somatosensory cortex that represents the affected limb, therefore retraining the brain to produce motoric output of the affected limb. In other words, by way of the visual sensory feedback created by the mirror image of the non-affected limb representing the affected limb, the sensorimotor pathways are reestablished in the area of the brain that represents the affected limb, thereby supporting cortical reorganization post-stroke to create normalized movement in the affected limb. Since the brain is very plastic, over time if a patient is imagining moving their affected limb, however there is no visual or motor feedback that results from those signals, the brain may begin to reorganize the sensory and motor representations of the affected limb in the brain in a negative way that might inhibit future movement and sensation in that affected limb. Mirror therapy may inhibit that from happening by “reconcil[ing] motor output and sensory feedback” (Acerra, Souvlis, & Moseley, 2007). Essentially, mirror therapy is encouraging the brain to not give up on the affected limb. As I’ve alluded to, mirror therapy has been used for phantom limb pain and CRPS, for hemiparesis as a result of CVAs, and as the 3rd stage in Graded Motor Imagery following laterality reconstruction and motor imagery.

WHO? Patient characteristics Motor Cognitive Visual Motorically -literature is inconclusive regarding the motor function necessary for MT -some suggest that some movement in the affected limb is preferred so that both limbs can be moved in conjunction even if the affected limb is not being observed. -Some say that MT might ONLY be affected for patients who do not yet have movement in their affected limb. A study by Selles et al. (2014) found that mirror therapy using the unaffected limb for visual feedback was no more effective than training the affected limb with traditional therapy, and the authors suggested that therefore, MT might only be appropriate or helpful for patients who don’t yet have the ability to move their affected limb or quickly fatigue with use of the affected limb and therefore cannot directly train only the affected limb. Cognitively -Must be able to understand the protocol -Must be able to sustain attention on the mirror Visually -need to be able to see and perceive the mirror image in full, so patients with visual field cuts or inattention may not be appropriate -must be able to sustain fixation on the mirror

WHEN? Research varies for time frame post-injury Acute vs. Chronic stages of neural recovery The research was variable in terms of when mirror therapy was applied, whether it was in the acute or chronic stages post-injury But one study pointed out that with chronic patients there might be more learned non-use and more time for disorganization of the homunculus mapping in the brain to occur and therefore, MT might be less effective in chronic stages than if it were used in acute stages. However, given the plasticity of the brain and the concept behind mirror therapy, MT could still be effective in patients with chronic conditions.

WHERE? Inpatient Outpatient Home setting (HEP) -most studies I read were based in the inpatient setting -could be done in inpatient, outpatient, or home setting but this corresponds with time post-stroke -should vary the environment as patient progresses. Recommended by David Butler in his video to perform MT in different lighting, with different levels and types of auditory stimuli such as people talking, music, etc., at different times of day to further help reconstruct the brain.

WHY? Current literature Generally shown to be effective in: Improving motor recovery (Dohle et al., 2009; Sutbeyaz et al., 2007) Improving sensation (Dohle et al., 2009) Improving visuospatial neglect (Thieme et al., 2012) Improved independence with ADLs (Invernizzi et al., 2012) Combination with traditional PT/OT treatments (Rothgangel & Braun, 2013) What I found in the current literature was kind of a mixed review on mirror therapy. Overall, when you take the average of the findings in the articles read, it’s agreed that mirror therapy is at least somewhat effective in improving motor recovery, sensation, visuospatial neglect, & independence with ADLs, however as I mentioned before some studies showed that MT was no more effective than training the affected limb with more traditional therapy approaches. One article by V.S. Ramachandran suggested that the location of the lesion in the brain and the duration of paresis or paralysis may contribute to the highly variable effectiveness of MT One of the most important take-aways I gathered was that MT should be used IN COMBINATION with other traditional OT/PT treatments to produce the best results for patients.

HOW? Protocol In literature: 30 min/day 5 days/week 4-6 weeks In practice: Little and often (Neuro Orthopaedic Institute, n.d.) Repeat, Grade, Enrich In the literature it was largely 30 min/day, 5 days/week, for 4-6 weeks Based on the highly variable results of the studies included in my lit review, I expanded my search to find more practice-based evidence, which suggested that perhaps the “little and often” approach would be more effective, that is doing MT maybe 5-10 minutes at a time, many different times during the day- this would allow for varying the setting, time of day, lighting, noise level, etc. of the MT intervention. As I mentioned before mirror therapy is the 3rd stage in GMI. The GMI website suggests 3 important components to using MT. REPEAT movements until the patient is comfortable with them, GRADE movements from easier to harder and more complex, and ENRICH movements by performing movements in different contexts

SET-UP Seated at flat surface Mirror at midsagittal plane Mirror perpendicular to work surface Mirror in midsagittal plane Want mirror perpendicular to the surface it’s on so that the image of the limb is not distorted in any way

TIPS Remove/cover jewelry, identifying marks, tattoos Maintain gaze on mirror image Graduated movements 1. Observe image of unaffected hand as affected hand in mirror 2. Pronate and supinate 3. Finger to thumb 4. Weight-bearing 5. Grasp and release 6. Manipulate objects 7. Begin moving affected hand in conjunction with unaffected hand Vary contexts Monitor patient for physiological signs of distress -remove/hide anything that will make the visual image less compelling to the patient—want to create the most convincing image possible

PROS & CONS Conflicting evidence of effectiveness Noninvasive treatment Inexpensive Specific patient population required Easy set-up Symmetric movements only Neural basis PROS Foam board, velcro, mirror—do it yourself for about $15-$20 This portable mirror box is $65 on Amazon CONS Symmetric movements only—for example you wouldn’t be able to have the patient practice opening a jar of peanut butter because that requires different movements in each hand


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