Uses of Technology for Teaching and Learning: The Gallery Walk Chris Rogers
Agenda Welcome Introduction to 21st Century Skills - wiki Essential Question: How do you integrate technology in your classroom to improve student learning? Uses of Technology for Teaching and Learning Spectrum: Where do you see yourself?
Agenda (cont.) Overview of spectrum- wiki Video examples of teacher activities Carousel Walk of technology activities – handout Exit survey
21st Century Skills The Partnership for 21st Century Learning Frameworks for content areas and theme areas
Essential Question: How do you integrate technology in your classroom to improve student learning? LOTS or HOTS?
Uses of Technology for Teaching and Learning Spectrum : Where do you see yourself? Literacy Adapting Transforming
Instructional Approach to Learning
Video examples The Story of Lucy The Butterfly The Holocaust
Carousel Walk Descriptions of student projects to be categorized: Blue dots = Literacy Yellow dots = Adapting Green dots = Transforming World Café: Discuss and give ways the blues and yellows could become greens
Online Rubrics Evaluations, Scoring Guides Create rubrics that ensure that CONTENT and CRAFTSMANSHIP are present and evaluated.
Exit Slip Please fill out the evaluation. Thank you for participating in the workshop.