Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act WIOA Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act
What Is WIOA? The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) is the first major reform to federal job training programs in more than 15 years. It was signed into law in July 2014, and is designed to improve access to job training and educational opportunities for people who have traditionally faced barriers to employment.
WIA WIOA. What’s Different? Core Partners…. 1 Client Core Partners… Shared Performance Core Partners… Shared Data Core Partners… Shared Strategies Core Partners… Shared One-Stop Center(s)
How is WIOA different?
WHO DOES WIOA GOVERN? WIOA governs programs and services provided by WIOA core partners: Department of Labor Department of Education Department of Vocational Rehabilitation Department of Health and Human Services
IT’S RELATIONAL Core Partners Unified State Plan State Workforce Development Board Local Workforce Development Boards Core Partners Local Providers
High Demand Occupations IT’S RELEVANT Industry Partnerships Integrated Education and Training Braided Services with Core Partners Training Apprenticeships Contextualized Curricula Blended Learning Career Pathways High Demand Occupations Skill Gaps Strategic Industries Low Literacy
IT’S RATIONAL “The mission here is very simple… we must expand opportunity to the people who need it most: the working men and women who represent the backbone of the world’s most dynamic and thriving economy. “ --- Joe Biden, Vice President of the United States
Workforce Investment Areas, GA
WIOA Title II: AEFLA ACTIVITIES Adult Education and Literacy Programs, Activities and Services Include: a) Adult education, b) Literacy, c) Workplace adult education and literacy activities, d) Family literacy activities, e) English language acquisition activities, f) Integrated English literacy and civics education, g) Workforce preparation activities, or h) Integrated education and training.
Corrections Education
What’s Next? Final Approval, Unified State Plan (Fall 2016) Final Approval, Local Workforce Plans (Fall 2016) State Workforce Board Planning and Policy Development (current) Local Workforce Boards Strategic Collaborations (current) Adult Education Grant Competition ( 2017) One-Stop Center Collaboration (July 2017)
Resources Georgia Governor’s High Demand Career Initiative Report (Georgia Office of Economic Development Workforce Division) WIOA Implementation: Opportunities for Partnership (CLASP) Connecting English Language Learners with Career Pathways (LINCS) Employability Skills Framework Career Awareness http://www/ College Transition (Groups) (Resources) Reentry Resource Center Ready To Work: Job-Driven Training and American Opportunity (Joe Biden, Vice President of the United States)