Amazing Rainforests and the Amazon River
Massive Cities – this is Sao Paulo
This is Rio de Janiero
These are Brazilian slums called Favelas
Some fast facts Population is about 202 million Most people live on the coast You could fit New Zealand into the Amazon rainforest 21 times Christianity is very important 65% of the population are Catholic and another 22% are Protestant 21 million people live in the city of Sao Paulo and 12 million live in Rio de Janiero The biggest suburb in Sao Paulo is called Paraiba Valley - 2.5 million people live there. The official language is Portugese. There are only 536000 indigenous Brazilian people left. The rest are descended from immigrants. Mainly from Portugal, Sub-Saharan Africa or Asia. Nearly 4 million people in Brazil are illiterate Soccer is the most popular sport , while Brazil will host the 31st Olympic Games in 2016 at a cost of over $3 billion.
Poverty has dropped considerably in the last 40 years but 8 Poverty has dropped considerably in the last 40 years but 8.9% of the population or 18 million people still lived in poverty in 2013.
It’s not all doom and gloom