Feb 1-4
Thursday, 2/3/2011 Objectives: SWBAT 1 Thursday, 2/3/2011 Objectives: SWBAT 1. Review the first two acts of The Tempest 2. read Act III, scene I of The Tempest NEW SEATS! Door Jasmin Jasmine Gustavo Danika Josh Nicole Reggie Rishab Jisraele Brian JJ Mildred Aaliyah Djinnie Milly Andrea Dimitri Nelson Jennifer Gabriel Rachelle Stan Larissa Ashley Jefferson
Thursday, 2/3/2011 Objectives: SWBAT 1 Thursday, 2/3/2011 Objectives: SWBAT 1. Review the first two acts of The Tempest 2. read Act III, scene I of The Tempest Do Now: Agenda: How do you think this play will end? Make a prediction in at least three sentences. Explain why this is how you predict it will end. Do Now Partner work: Ordering the events from the first two acts in chronological order. Watch Act II Read aloud Act III, scene i
Reviewing Acts 1-3 of The Tempest Time line: Review the list of events in the box below with your partner and put them in chronological order on the timeline. Caliban mistakes Trinculo for one of Prospero’s spirits. Alonso and Gonzalo suddenly fall asleep and Antonio and Sebastian attempt to murder them, but Ariel wakes them up. The noblemen and the mariners have an argument on the ship in the middle of the tempest. Prospero tells Miranda about her past and the reason he created the tempest. Gonzalo tries to comfort Alonso after the storm once they are safe and dry on the island. Prospero checks in with Ariel about the progress of his plan. Ariel asks Prospero for his freedom. Antonio and Sebastian make fun of Gonzalo. Miranda confronts her father about the storm and the sinking ship she just saw from the shores of her island. Prospero and Miranda go and talk/argue with Caliban. Trinculo and Stephano are reunited. Caliban promises to be Stephano’s servant if he will kill Prospero.
Homework Read Act III, scene ii and scene iii (due Friday) Summary of 3.1 (in-class), 3.2, and 3.3 (due Friday) Semester 1 Reflection (due Monday) I am not going to be here tomorrow - retreat for 10th grade Humanities QUIZ – Friday on Acts II and III Watch The Tempest
Today’s class… If you were here on Tuesday (8th period), you may work on reading and completing the chart for Act III, scene ii If you weren’t, we will be working to read Act III, scene I together
English Homework: Due Friday 2/4/11 Semester One Reflection Directions: Please answer these questions thoughtfully, thoroughly, honestly and in complete sentences. Write your answers on a separate sheet of loose-leaf paper. What was your favorite semester one text and why? What was your least favorite and why? What new reading skills did you learn, or what reading skills did you improve this semester? What did you learn about essay writing? What was your favorite assignment/project/class activity from semester one? Why was this your favorite? What was your least favorite assignment/project/class activity from semester one? Why? What do you hope we do more of in semester two? Explain. What are your own personal goals for semester two of English class? Why are these your goals? What do you think you need to do in order to achieve these goals? Did you do as well on your midterm as you thought you would? Why or why not? What could you have improved on (if applicable)? For Wednesday: Read/listen to/watch Act four – speed through this act as it’s the least exciting! Test prep lesson– Open response questions. For Thursday: Act 5, part one finish act 5 for HW For Friday: Act 5 paraphrasing and margin summary notes activity (Prospero’s speech) For Monday– review by watching act 5. For Tuesday– final essay assignment for The Tempest– thesis due Wednesday, students will critique their thesis statements and work on outlines on Wednesday as well, then have a first draft due on Thursday. Thursday/Friday will be writing groups.