My Child has difficulties with social, emotional or mental health. Conduct disorders, anxiety disorders, depression, attachment disorders, eating disorders, self-harm or post-traumatic stress,AD(H)D For both groups, issues can include: Forming and maintaining relationships Bereavement Attitudes to attainment Attendance Self-esteem Life outside school
How do we help a child with social, emotional and mental health needs? 1 Learning Mentor - 30 hours per week Access to specialist counselling – eg Noah’s Ark and Catholic Care Support staff trained in Social Construction project Staff trained to support pupils with social and emotional difficulties and use appropriate strategies to support learning Staff trained on Attachment Difficulties and use appropriate strategies to support learning Delivery of SEAL through Assemblies and PSHCE Social Stories trained staff Staff are aware of ESMH and use appropriate strategies to support learning All staff are trained in Team Teach
Variety of Extra- curricular clubs to promote self esteem Close liaison with Attendance Service to create support plans Behaviour Policy which sets out when parents will be contacted – this is kept for absolute emergencies Playtimes and lunchtime seen as important part of the school day and included in time for 1:1 support for statements children if appropriate A Sports Coach is employed by the school 5 lunchtimes per week. Staff in playground trained in developing children’s social skills