SC Agenda – 14th Mar 2012 Opening & Introductions Minutes of the meeting 29th February, including action points Developments in last weeks a. Update NDMA b. Updates from the districts c. Update from the Protection Cluster - Housing Land and Property Sub Cluster 4. Save the Children – Post Distribution Evaluations 5. Information Management Emergency 3Ws and emergency distribution updates Remaining Emergency Needs by UC Recovery Update on Commitments for ER Programmes Update of the UC ranking exercise in Sindh. Updated - Overview of current Material prices in the districts 6. TSSU: Update on the Returns assessment 7. TWIG Update a. DRR measures and outreach campaign 8. Updates from Organizations 9. HERWG Updates a. Updates from HERWG 10. HERWG Updates
Action Points Disseminate key ‘save shelter’ and ‘sanitation’ (WASH) messages through education. UPDATE – Ongoing, will become part of the outreach strategy. Shelter / wash drafting a policy paper on coordination / integration of activities. UPDATE - Ongoing SC organize TWIG for adaptation of the recovery posters + Organizations share their materials with SC for consideration of dissemination. (UN-Habitat to share a new poster that they have been developing over the last month) Technical Shelter Training material should be available by end March. UPDATE – Ongoing The DRR Key Messages questionnaire will be shared with the Shelter Cluster. (16-Feb) UPDATE – Initial results will be available this week Try to acquire UC level emergency distribution data from PDMA and NDMA. (16-Feb) Shelter Cluster to send out the link to the OCHA UC Ranking information All Organisations conducting trainings should fill this information out in the 3W matrix and also provide a description of the content of these trainings, in e.g. a word document. All Organisations with Technical Shelter experience are urged to attend the TWIG meetings that are planned in ISB and Karachi in March. UN-Habitat to send out a web link to the report and presentations from the Lessons Learned 2010 Conference that took place on the 23rd February. Shelter Cluster – update the CESVI information in the 3W matrix UN-Habitat to look into whether or not the Housing Land and Property group in the protection cluster are still operating. Shelter Cluster – Ask the RC to confirm the new Cluster Coordination organisation in Balochistan NRC – implement and maintain 3W matrix and contact list for Balochistan – aim to complete by the end of March.
Update from NDMA
District updates Common Issues Remaining emergency distributions to be organized in return areas as well; People have limited resources to rebuild by themselves, sell livestock and personal belongings; Assistance needed to support self-recovery initiatives ( shelter/roofing kits, material, cash and technical training) Increase of requests for technical guidance from organizations; perception that introduction of DRR components is critical Agencies also asking for guidance to better respond to needs of most vulnerable communities (landless, nomad communities), so shelter response can be adapted to needs; attention to be paid to protection issues 29th Feb 2012
Districts Updates Mirpurkhas: Standing Water in small pockets of Taluka Juhdo, Sindhri and Kot Gulham Khan; On going distributions by HANDS, IOM; CESVI; On-going early recovery shelter assistance by HANDS, SALBWS, RDF, PVDP, Goth Singhar Foundation; Planned: IOM, Save the Children, ACTED, Cesvi; SEEWA planning a training on DRR for communities.
Districts Updates Tharparkhar: On-going emergency distributions by IOM/DDAT, SRSP, Rotary Club; On-going ER shelter activities; Fires in houses are common issues in the district - safety measures & recommendations required from humanitarian community, including from agencies helping shelter reconstruction Badin: On-going activities by HANDS, Sead Organization; Planned ER shelter activities by Arche Nova; Perception that mud houses seen as being too fragile to resist to new floods - need further guidance on the construction;
Districts Updates Tando Muhammad Khan On going distributions by ASWA, UNHABITAT; ER activities by UN-HABITAT, HANDS; Shelter kits identified as a key need to support self-recovery. Tando Allah Yar On-going distributions of ER shelters by IOM with the support of Nari organization; District authorities identified needs for emergency support in in the border UC Dinghano Bozdar near Matiyari District
Districts Updates Sanghar On going emergency distributions by IOM, PU/AMI, Identification of remaining needs in UC Khori, Sarari, Rhonjo, Shah Sikanderabad; ER activities by HANDS, VDO, RDF. S. Benazirbad Completion of distributions by Shah Sachal Sami Foundation, and IOM; Solidarites implements WASH activities, planning to combine them with Shelter activities
District Focal Points Mirpurkhas and Umerkot; Badin, TAY and TMK SC Proposing 4 Key areas for focal points: Mirpurkhas and Umerkot; Badin, TAY and TMK Sanghar, Shaheed Benezirabad and Matiari Tharparkar 29th Feb 2012
Balochistan Update 29th Feb 2012
Housing Land and Property Update Identification of the most vulnerable beneficiaries for early recovery support is the priority. Very few issues with land reported from the 2010 floods. Numbers of TSSU respondents reporting land related issues are also very low (<200 families). Agreement from landlords / forced migration is the biggest issue identified so far. District reports indicate that landlords do not perceive the Katcha houses with DRR as permanent shelters SC coordinating and collecting feedback from organisations active in SE Sindh from 2010 and 2011 through the District meetings Recommendation 1: Continue to monitor and refer any specific reports of land issues from TSSU and DFP to the relevant organisations / authorities. Recommendation 2: HLP experts to present at a SC TWIG session before the next SC meeting with the aim to develop joint guidelines on land issues for approval from the cluster.
Save the Children – Post Distribution Evaluations
SC Update – Distributions Total distributions (Sindh and Balochistan) so far (figures in brackets are the change so far during this month): Shelters 70% Target Reached! 562,859 (34,919) CESVI, CRS, IOM, NRDP, PDMA, Save the Children, Sindh Radiant Org Blankets 676,943 (67,028) IOM, PDMA, Safe Winds, Save the Children, Sindh Radiant Org Kitchen Sets 126,768 (20,129) IOM, NRDP, Save the Children, Sindh Radiant Org Toolkits 60,638 (31,382) CESVI, CRS, IOM, NRDP, Save the Children
Agency Summary – Emergency 34,919 emergency shelters distributed between 29th Feb and 13th Mar 2012
SC ER-Update Committed ORS 35,069 - Committed T-Shelters 19,345 Total Commitments (Sindh and Balochistan) so far (figures in brackets are the change so far during this month): Committed ORS 35,069 - HANDs, IOM, NCA, PAF, Saudi Pak, SPO Committed T-Shelters 19,345 (7,060) Action Aid, CRDO, OPP/RTI, UN-Habitat, Qatar Charity, Acted Committed Roofing Kits 11,069 (11,069) Hands, AMRDO
Committed ORS & T-Shelter and remaining needs by district 29th Feb 2012
Committed ORS & T-Shelter by Organizations 29th Feb 2012
Organizations giving Skilled Labor Training 29th Feb 2012
OCHA - UC Ranking - Update Final results will be provided by OCHA today Once received, SC will map the results and compare these with the UC Prioritisation information as well as the flood inundation data from FAO. 29th Feb 2012
TSSU Returns assessment update
TWIG Outreach DRR Messaging HLP Session – date tbc
Next meeting 28th March 2012
Emergency Shelter Trend
Blankets Trend
Tool Kits and Kitchen Set Trend