Unit 4...
High Octane Fuel
What is High Octane fuel Higher Octane is a performance mod Higher Octane gives cars more power & makes them faster Higher Octane gives you better gas mileage What is High Octane fuel Octane = Resistance to detonation! Octane rating tells us how much the fuel can be compressed before it spontaneously ignites
How do I know what to run in my car? Check your Owners manual Facts on High Octane fuel Higher Octane Burns SLOWER!!!! Higher Octane will slow down your car….. UNLESS!!!!!
WHY……………? Foreced Induction Is Used! Or… High Comp Engines / Nitrous! Turbocharger - Supercharger Roots Type Rotrex Type Or… High Comp Engines / Nitrous! WHY……………?
WHY CONT….? Forced Induction/Boost can cause detonation in the cylinder… What is detonation/Pre-Ignition? Detonation occurs when excessive heat/pressure in the combustion chamber cause the air/fuel mixture to auto ignite. This produces multiple flame fronts instead of a single flame. When these multiple flames collide, they produce a sudden rise in cylinder pressure accompanied by a sharp metallic pinging or knocking noise. Too much heat and pressure in the cylinder which produces multiple flame fronts, raises the pressure, and produces a knocking sound. Boost Causes abnormally high cylinder pressure (therefore, higher octane is needed to cope with the higher pressure levels) THE HIGHER THE OCTANE THE SLOWER THE FUEL BURNS!!! OCATANE IS RESISTENCE TO DETONATION As octane goes UP… resistance goes UP
Preignition causes two separate flame fronts which increase internal pressure and temperature to reduce combustion efficiency and engine performance. Preignition is an undesirable engine condition which occurs when a small portion of a combustion chamber component or a particle in the combustion chamber becomes excessively heated and ignites the charge as it enters the combustion chamber. This hot deposit creates a separate and distinct flame front before the spark‑induced flame front. Preignition decreases performance and results in an audible pinging or knocking sound in the engine. See Figure 4‑4. Preignition increases the peak combustion pressures of the engine as well as the internal temperatures. Preignition also causes peak combustion pressures earlier in the compression cycle and opposes piston motion. Like detonation, this can lead to engine damage from increased loads and stresses such as broken pistons, connecting rods, and crankshafts.
One way to fix this problem?
Another way to fix this problem?
I live my life one bottle of NOS Octane Booster at a time… We should switch to Monster….
Leaded vs Un-leaded? What's the big deal? Lead is an element (symbol Pb) and has a number of industrial uses. For racing fuels, lead is not used by itself... it is actually added in the form of Tetraethyl Lead (TEL). Lead in fuels helped extend the useful life of exhaust valve seats in older cars *40 Years - *WWII (P51)
Racing Fuel Oxygenated ? -Advanced Chemistry -Hours and Hours of Research -Reliable (get what you pay for) - Higher Octane (leaded and unleaded) Oxygenated ? Oxygenated fuels can be either leaded or unleaded, have a wide variety of octane levels, and have many other characteristics. But almost all oxygenated fuels have some type of additives in the gasoline that have the right mix of ingredients in the chemical compound to create oxygen molecules when that compound is broken down. This is the key to making extra power: The extra oxygen in the combustion chamber means you can add even more fuel, and when the two are burned the result should be additional energy pushing down on the piston. When done correctly, the extra oxygen molecules also help burn the existing fuel more completely. The purpose of it is to achieve better vaporization to equalize all of the runners in the intake manifold