Bridge to Terabithia
Chapter 1: Jesse Oliver Aarons, Jr. Ten-year old Jesse Aarons is determined to be the fastest kid in the fifth grade when school begins in a few weeks. In the mornings, he gets up early to run in the cow pasture. He imagines beating all the third-, fourth- and fifth-grade boys at the daily recess races like he did once when he was in fourth grade. Jesse’s run is cut short when his sister May Belle calls him to breakfast. As the middle child and only boy of five children, Jesse feels out of place. His one ally is six year-old May Belle who idolizes him. At breakfast, Jesse endures the bossing of his sisters, listens to their bickering with his mother about going shopping, and then finally proceeds to do his chores. When May Belle reports that a family is moving onto the Perkins farm down the road, Jesse is too tired and hot from doing his chores to care.
Chapter One 1. Jesse plans to practice running in the cow pasture. 2. He wants to be the fastest kid in the fifth grade. 3. May Belle worships Jesse and he loves her. 4. Jesse’s sisters are planning to go shopping for school clothes. Jesse’s mother tells him there are many chores to be done that day. 5. The Aaronses are poor. Clues include: the pickup truck that sounds like it’s barely running, Jesse shares a bedroom with his little sisters, the walls of the house are thin, Jesse says the house is “rattly,” Momma’s purse is cracked vinyl and the dollar bills are wrinkled. 6. Someone is moving in. 7. Jesse doesn’t care. He’s more concerned with the flies that are pestering him. 8. Answers will vary. He’s too tired and hot from picking beans and helping Momma to care about someone moving in.
Chapter 2: Leslie Burke Jesse finishes his chores and fixes sandwiches for his little sister’s dinner. His mother, hot and tired from canning beans, watches TV. Jess finally has free time to indulge in his greatest passion—drawing. His father doesn’t approve of his drawing and neither do his teachers with the exception of Miss Edmunds the music teacher. Jesse is secretly in love with Miss Edmunds who comes to school on Fridays and has encouraged Jesse to draw. The other teachers don’t approve of Miss Edmunds. The students call her a hippie, but Jesse suspects that they secretly enjoy the music class. The next morning, during his practice run in the pasture, Jesse meets Leslie Burke, the new neighbor. After a quick introduction, Jesse rushes away.
Chapter Two 1. Jesse loves to draw. 2. His father was upset and obviously didn’t approve. 3. Answers will vary. Jesse’s home life doesn’t appear to be very happy. He has many chores, his mother and father are both overworked, his older sisters are bossy and selfish, and his father doesn’t approve of Jesse’s dream to be an artist. 4. The music teacher who comes once a week to school. 5. He is in love with her. 6. Answers will vary. Jesse isn’t close with his father. Jesse seeks his approval and wishes he could jump into his dad’s arms like May Belle does. His father is distant and distracted. 7. Answers will vary. Jesse may not be comfortable being friendly with girls; Leslie looks different from the other kids; Leslie is new and Jesse is unsure about her.
Chapter 3: The Fastest Kid in the Fifth Grade School begins and Jesse sees Leslie in his class. At recess as the boys begin racing, Leslie joins them. After some heated arguments between the boys about letting a girl race, Jesse goads the boys into allowing Leslie to run. Leslie beats all the boys. Leslie thanks Jesse and tries to befriend him on the bus ride home, but Jesse scorns her.
Chapter Three 1. Leslie is wearing cut offs and a t-shirt while the rest of the students are wearing their Sunday best. 2. The students stared at her. No one was especially nice or welcoming to her. 3. Leslie joins the boys and wants to race with them and ends up winning all the heats. 4. Jesse goads Gary Fulcher into allowing Leslie to run by taunting him. 5. Answers will vary. Jesse doesn’t like Gary. He tries to take Jesse’s drawings in class and gets Jesse in trouble; Gary tries to boss the boys around during the recess races. 6. Jesse acts coldly toward Leslie and ignores her. Answers will vary. Sample student answer: Jesse may not like Leslie because she won all the heats; he may think he shouldn’t be friends with a girl. 7. He thinks the way she runs is beautiful, like a flock of wild ducks.
Chapter 4: Rulers of Terabithia As the school week progresses, the boys lose interest in running since Leslie easily wins each race. Jesse realizes that his dream of being the best runner in fifth grade is over. On Friday, the bright spot of the week, Miss Edmunds comes for music class. During class, Jess changes his mind about Leslie and decides to befriend her. On the bus, he learns her parents decided to move from Arlington to the country to review “their value structure.” Leslie confesses that, unlike Jesse’s family, they have money, so making a living at farming is not important. At school, Leslie continues to have social difficulties, not only because she is a new student, but also because Mrs. Myers, the fifth-grade teacher, reads Leslie’s essay aloud to the class and praises it. After being teased by classmates and upset by Jess, Leslie makes the mistake of sitting in seventh-grade territory on the bus. Jess saves her from the older kids, but in the act insults Janice Avery, a seventh-grade bully. Later, Jess and Leslie swing across a dry gully on a rope tied to a tree and create the country of Terabithia. They build a castle stronghold and crown themselves king and queen of their make-believe country. As students and Jesse’s sisters begin to notice their friendship, Jess is teased about his “girl friend.” Terabithia becomes the place where Jess feels happiest. He shows Leslie the pine forest, which had always frightened him; Leslie immediately sees that this is a sacred place. Chapter 4: Rulers of Terabithia
Chapter Four 1. Miss Edmunds comes to school for music class. 2. Answers will vary. Leslie moved from Arlington, a suburb of D.C.; her school had a gym and big music room; she was good in gymnastics and had a lot of friends; her parents came to Lark Creek to “reassess their values;” money is not a problem for her family. 3. The other students learn that Leslie doesn’t have a TV. The girls tease her. 4. Jesse realizes that Leslie doesn’t know she’s in the seventh graders’ spot. He saves her from the older kids by convincing her to move. 5. In order to save Leslie from Janice, Jesse insults her. Janice looks at Jesse with hate. 6. Leslie offers May Belle paper dolls. 7. They reached Terabithia by swinging on a rope across a dry gully. It was in the woods. They build a stronghold from old pieces of wood. The name came from the Chronicles of Narnia books that Leslie had read. Jesse and Leslie kept Terabithia a secret and swore to tell no one about it. Jesse felt safe and stronger in Terabithia. 8. Jesse and Leslie spent time together at recess. Some kids said that Leslie was Jesse’s girlfriend. Leslie told Jesse about how she imagined Mrs. Myers doing funny things. 9. Answers will vary. Jesse feels important in Terabithia. Leslie values Jesse’s thoughts and doesn’t judge or criticize his thoughts and feelings. Jesse has probably never had a special place all his own before. In Terabithia he feels powerful – something he doesn’t feel at school and certainly not at home.
Chapter 5: The Giant Killers In Terabithia, Leslie and Jess like stories about imaginary giants, but at school, Janice Avery is a real threat. After she steals May Belle’s Twinkies, Jesse and Leslie plot and execute a plan for revenge. They embarrass Janice by planting a love note in her desk. Their successful revenge elevates Jesse and Leslie in May Belle’s eyes.
Chapter Five 1. Daddy gave May Belle a package of Twinkies. May Belle tells everyone on the bus she has Twinkies. At lunch Janice Avery takes them from her. 2. It is Leslie’s idea. 3. They write a love letter to Janice from the most popular boy in the class. In the letter, the boy tells Janice he loves her and wants to walk her home. When Janice stays after school to meet him, she realizes it was a trick. 4. Answers will vary. Janice wouldn’t know who wrote the letter, so Jesse and Leslie wouldn’t be caught tricking her. 5. Leslie thinks Janice Avery deserved what she got and is surprised Jesse doesn’t feel the same way. 6. Answers will vary. In the prior chapter, Leslie was reading about ways to save the whales. Jesse is saying he doesn’t want to destroy Janice Avery. 7. Answers will vary. Sample answer: It symbolizes Janice Avery. She is like a giant because she’s big and a bully. Jesse and Leslie stood up to her and defeated her.
Chapter 6: The Coming of Prince Terrien Christmas is a month away, and Jess wants to get a gift for Leslie. Money is tight in his family, but his problem is solved when he sees a sign for free puppies on his way home from school. Jesse’s joy at giving Leslie the puppy (named Prince Terrien which is soon shortened to P.T.) and spending time in Terabithia is sharply contrasted by the disappointment and unhappiness in the Aarons home.
Chapter Six 1. He’s angry because his sisters make fun of Leslie. He feels out of a place because he doesn’t feel it’s right and he’s related to his sister, but feels more connected to Leslie. He feels like he doesn’t fit into his family. Additionally, he’s angry because he doesn’t have a Christmas gift for Leslie. 2. Answers will vary. He thinks the gift for Leslie is important. He wants to get just the right gift. 3. A puppy. 4. A set of watercolor paints and paper. 5. Answers will vary. Their gifts to each other show that they know what is important to each other. 6. Nearly everyone at his house was unhappy about something: Joyce Anne had pulled the string out of her talking doll, Jesse was trying to please his dad by playing with the racecars, his dad was upset about the cheap quality of the cars, Brenda was upset because she didn’t get panty hose, Ellie was flaunting the stockings, and Mama was unhappy that Jesse didn’t milk the cow and no one besides Ellie was helping with dinner. 7. Leslie meets him and she brings the puppy. As Jesse sees how happy Leslie is with the puppy he thinks it feels like Christmas again. 8. Answers will vary. Sample answer: When Jesse sees how happy his gift of the puppy makes Leslie, Jesse feels the spirit of Christmas – the happiness that comes from giving.
Chapter 7: The Golden Room Mr. Burke (whom Leslie calls “Bill”) and Leslie begin to fix up the old Perkins place. At first Jess feels shunned by Leslie because they don’t go to Terabithia together anymore. But he overcomes his feelings of intimidation and helps with the renovations. They paint the living room gold. It is their favorite room in the house. The renovations finished, Leslie and Jesse are free to return to Terabithia after a month’s absence. They find, however, that “enemies” have overrun it. After a vigorous battle, they reclaim the kingdom and go to the pine grove to give thanks. At school, Leslie overhears Janice Avery crying in the restroom. Jesse convinces Leslie to talk to her, and Leslie is able to give Janice some advice. Back at home, May Belle tells Jess she’s followed them to the creek. Angered, Jesse makes her promise not to follow them or tell anyone.
Chapter Seven 1. He feels uncomfortable around him. Jesse feels like he’s in the way. 2. Jesse knows more about how to make repairs. 3. They imagine savages have taken over the country; they both battle against them. 4. Answers will vary. Jesse compares her to a predator animal that Leslie might want to save. Jesse seems to realize that Janice Avery has feelings, too. 5. Kids aren’t supposed to mix home and school. Janice Avery had broken that rule. 6. Answers will vary. She gave her good advice because Leslie had been through a similar experience.
Chapter 8: Easter Easter is coming and Jesse’s sisters want new clothes. Jesse’s dad has been laid off, but that doesn’t prevent his sisters from whining for something new to wear for church on Easter. Leslie asks to go to church with Jesse. Jesse’s mom begrudgingly agrees – as long as Leslie wears a dress. Leslie loves the church service while Jesse clearly finds it boring. Leslie, who has never heard the story of Jesus before, says that she doesn’t believe the story is true. Horrified, May Belle challenges her by telling Leslie that she’ll go to hell if she doesn’t believe in the Bible.
Chapter Eight 1. They are having a lot of rain. 2. They want new clothes for Easter. 3. Jesse’s dad has been laid off from his job. It means the family doesn’t have money coming in. 4. He promised her that Leslie would wear a dress and assured her she didn’t look down on them. 5. Jesse is completely bored with church. Leslie is fascinated by it. They have opposite reactions. 6. May Belle believes that God will send someone to hell if he doesn’t believe the Bible. Leslie doesn’t believe God would send anyone to hell. 7. Answers will vary. Jesse seems to want to please both May Belle and Leslie. He wants to agree with both of them.
Chapter 9: The Evil Spell It has been a wet spring. Jesse and Leslie decide that in spite of the rain they are going to Terabithia. The gully is full of rushing water, yet they use the rope to swing across it to Terabithia. Leslie isn’t afraid to cross the gully, which continues to rise and swell with the rain, but Jesse is frightened and only swings across because Leslie does. Leslie decides an evil spell has been cast upon Terabithia causing all the rain. The two go to the pine grove to beseech the spirits to remove the evil spell of rain. The rain continues, however, and that night Jesse wakes up in fear when he hears the rain. He knows that Leslie will continue to want to cross the creek no matter how high the water gets.
Chapter Nine 1. the heavy rain 2. Its banks are overflowing. The water is rushing down the creek. 3. He is afraid. 4. They go to the pine grove and pray to the spirits to stop the rain. 5. He realizes that he’s afraid to cross the creek, but Leslie will still want to go no matter how high the creek gets.
Chapter 10: The Perfect Day Jesse receives a phone call from Miss Edmunds inviting him to drive with her to Washington to visit the Smithsonian. After they are on their way, Jesse thinks he should have asked to bring Leslie along. Jesse is thrilled to spend the day with Miss Edmunds as they tour the National Gallery. Jesse is particularly fascinated and frightened by a display of Indians hunting buffalo. As they return home, the sun breaks out and Jesse decides this was a perfect day. Back home, Jesse enters his house to find the entire family sitting at the kitchen table. His mother begins sobbing and his older sister bluntly tells him that his girlfriend is dead.
Chapter Ten 1. He wishes he weren’t afraid. He thinks about a doctor giving him “guts” or the courage to do the things he’s afraid to do. 2. Mrs. Edmunds called to ask Jesse to go with her to the Smithsonian museum. 3. He thinks that he should have invited Leslie to go along with them. 4. He thinks of it as a sacred place; the pictures amaze him. 5. A scene of Indians hunting buffalo. 6. He thinks it is a perfect day. 7. He realizes something is wrong. Everyone is sitting at the table, but there is no food on it. The TV is off. His mother begins to cry. His sister tells him that Leslie has drowned. 8. Answers will vary. He was in shock and couldn’t believe what he was hearing. The news sounded so strange to him he could barely comprehend it.
Chapter 11: No! Jesse cannot comprehend that Leslie could be dead. His father explains that the rope broke while Leslie was swinging across the creek, and she probably hit her head. Jesse runs out of the house and down the road. His father follows him in the truck and brings Jesse back home where he goes to sleep. Jesse wakes up in the middle of the night and imagines a conversation with Leslie. Still, Jesse pushes away thoughts about Leslie being dead and imagines instead that he goes to her house to tell her all about his trip to Washington. The next morning, Jesse’s mother makes him pancakes. With a seemingly endless hunger, Jesse eats the pancakes. His sister Brenda expresses her shock at him being able to eat anything. Jesse focuses on eating the pancakes and when his father tells him they should go to the Burkes’ to pay respects, Jesse responds as if he doesn’t know what his father is talking about.
Chapter Eleven 1. He denies that it’s possible and runs away. 2. He has a conversation with Leslie as he tries not to think about the news. 3. His father has milked the cow and his mother has made pancakes. 4. He eats and eats them. His entire focus is on the pancakes. 5. to the Burkes’ house 6. Answers will vary. He tries not to think about Leslie, so he focuses on the pancakes. That is also why he acts like he doesn’t know who his father is talking about. He’s in denial.
Chapter 12: Stranded Jesse and his parents go to the Burkes’. In the golden room, Jesse meets Leslie’s grandmother. Still Jesse cannot understand why all the adults are crying when he isn’t. He suddenly realizes that the kids at school will treat him differently and with respect because his friend died. Bill comes in and hugs Jesse. Jesse is very uncomfortable and wishes that Leslie would come in and help him out of the situation. Bill tells Mr. Aarons that Leslie will be cremated. Something in Jesse snaps. He is so angry he runs out of the house and to his house. At home, Jesse encounters May Belle who asks if he saw Leslie. Jesse’s response is to hit her as hard as he can. He then runs to his room to get the drawing paper and paints that Leslie gave him for Christmas. He runs to the creek and throws them in the water. His father follows him there, and finally Jesse breaks down and cries. Later that day, Bill brings P.T. and asks Jesse to take care of him while the Burkes are in Pennsylvania.
Chapter Twelve 1. Several people are there – grandmother and other adults. 2. He realizes he’ll be respected, and the teachers would be especially nice to him. 3. Bill hugs Jesse and cries. Jesse is very uncomfortable. 4. He suddenly becomes angry. He realizes he’ll never see her again. 5. He runs home, hits May Belle in the face, and gets the paints and paper from his room. He takes them and throws them into the creek. 6. Answers will vary. He’s angry because he is powerless to change reality. He’s angry that Leslie left him without a friend. 7. Jesse’s dad comes to the creek and talks with him. He assures Jesse that God wouldn’t send a little girl to hell. He also talks to Jesse as if he’s a man.
Chapter 13: Building the Bridge Jesse wakes up the next day early, does the milking and returns to the creek with P.T. He lays a large branch across the creek and crosses to Terabithia. He thinks about Leslie’s death and decides to make a funeral wreath for her. He suddenly hears screams for help and runs to the creek where he finds May Belle who is stuck halfway across the tree branch bridge. Jesse helps her back to the bank; they talk about what it means to be afraid, and then return home. Jesse returns to school. Mrs. Myers takes Jesse into the hall for what Jesse thinks will be a scolding. Instead Mrs. Myers cries as she talks to Jesse about her own husband’s death and her feelings about teaching Leslie. Jesse begins to understand what he has learned through his friendship with Leslie. The Burkes return from Pennsylvania and have decided to move out of the old Perkins place. They give Jesse Leslie’s books and art supplies. They leave, taking P.T. with them. Jesse begins building a bridge across the creek. May Belle follows Jesse to the creek and asks him questions as he’s working. When the bridge is finished, Jesse takes May Belle across and introduces her to Terabithia as its new queen.
Chapter Thirteen 1. He gets up to milk Miss Bessie because he wants life to return to normal. 2. He pulls a fallen tree limb across the creek. 3. He makes a wreath and goes to the pine grove to honor Leslie. 4. She gets stuck halfway across the creek. 5. He is very calm and reassuring. 6. He is surprised by her talk about her husband and the compassion she shows him. 7. Answers will vary. Sample answer: It was a good way to the end the novel because it ended on a hopeful note. Terabithia will live on as it is passes from Jesse to his little sisters.