Abdominal wall Abdominal muscles
Rectus sheath
Inguinal canal Anterior wall: external oblique abdominis muscle (aponeurosis) Posterior wall: transversal fascia Roof: internal oblique abdominis muscle Floor: inquinal ligament Entrance: deep inguinal ring (laterally) Exit: superficial inguinal ring (medially)
Walls of the inguinal canal
Inguinal canal
Inguinal hernias Inderect hernia Direct hernia
Female inguinal canal
Subinguinal hiatus
Subinguinal hiatus 1.) lacuna musculonervosa: pectineus iliopsoas + femoral nerve 2.) lacuna vasorum: femoral artery femoral vein 3.) lacuna lymphatica
Femoral canal
Femoral canal
Femoral and inguinal canal Femoral canal
Femoral trigone lateral medial
Femoral trigone Triangular shaped area on the upper paet of the tight Borders: roof: inguinal ligament lateral border: sartorius m. medial border: pectineus m., adductor longus m. Structures: femoral a. v. n.
Adductor canal
Blood supply of the lower limb abdominal aorta common iliac art. exteranal iliac art. femoral artery deep femoral artery Femoral artery deep femoral artery perforans lat. circumflex med. circumflex extensor m. flexor m. adductor m.
Blood supply of the lower limb
Blood supply of the lower limb popliteal art. peroneal art. post. tibial art. ant. tibial art.
Blood supply of the lower limb lateral plantar art. medial plantar art.
Innervation of the lower limb Lumbar plexus: Femoral n.: extensor muscles of the tigh Obturator n.: adductor muscles of the tigh
Innervation of the lower limb sciatic nerve
Innervation of the lower limb tibial nerve: flexor m. common peroneal nerve superficial . deep peroneal muscles extensor muscles
Innervation of the lower limb